The game comes with a really cute set of plastic birds, pigs, and building blocks.
However, it's this convenience, coupled with a voracious appetite for one-time-use plastics that is now hurtling back toward us as an ever-growing and devastating set of plastic fingerprints on our natural world.
Fenelon's is a plastic set of parallel vertical tracks with teeth.
Is there anything other than a transparent piece of plastic to set it apart from the plethora of other touchscreen rectangles that live in the shadow of their top-tier peers?
Their destination was Tony's Market, a popular convenience store with a large display of liquor set behind a clear plastic barrier.
This holiday season, the Minneapolis-based consumer electronics giant is offering more than 50 types of gift cards, including one made from recycled plastic and one that doubles as a set of speakers for an MP3 player.
Protesting about the inclusion of pink plastic bricks in a building set strikes me as trivialising what can indeed be a serious problem.
What is very interesting about this particular idea is that the bottle features a set of three clever dials that allow you to track how many plastic bottles you DID NOT USE!
The fourth man was kneeling on the pavement fiddling with a bunch of wires leading from one of the trucks to a small TV set on a rickety little plastic table facing the chairs.
Under terms set by the card systems the merchant can refuse to accept any or all varieties of plastic, but if it takes a card it can't make the user pay the card fee.
The very first play set debuted in 1962 as a Modern-style studio fashioned of cardboard with tiny pink plastic hangers in the closet and miniature records touting real-life band names hanging on the walls.
FORBES: Barbie Selling 'Pinktastic' Malibu Dream House For $25 Million
Located directly on the strip nestled between the top and bottom plastic pieces, the power button and volume rocker are set incredibly close to the body of the phone, which makes it more difficult to press.
Schumer is joined by U.S. congressman Steve Israel of New York, who has introduced legislation to renew a ban on plastic guns that is set to expire later this year.