So, there is very much a sense that they want to set the record straight.
This has annoyed me ever since and I am here to set the record straight.
He was fired from Liverpool and I am sure would love to set the record straight.
Now, before I go any further, let me set the record straight: I love Vegas!
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses Business and Tourism Leaders
"I thought it was about time to set the record straight, " she said at the time.
Mr Pearson said they had tried to "set the record straight", claiming the scheme will "not endanger any wildlife".
Considerable embarrassment was caused by your assertion and we would be grateful if you would set the record straight.
The Korean firm promised audits to set the record straight, and we're seeing the first fruits of those inspections today.
ENGADGET: Samsung finishes initial Chinese factory audits, plans long-term solutions to labor woes
The beleaguered company gets a chance to set the record straight, however, when it reports first quarter earnings on Tuesday morning.
"Once and for all I will set the record straight, " he wrote.
Before these charges become part of the accepted history of these events, I believe it is important to set the record straight.
Vassilenko also wants to set the record straight about what Kazakhs drink.
"We thought it was time to help set the record straight, " Greg Joswiak, vice president of Hardware Product Marketing at Apple, told MacCentral.
"That loss still haunts me, now is the time to finally set the record straight, " Valuev said prior to the fight being called off.
None of these claims is true, but a year later Kryptonite still struggles to set the record straight, while spending millions to replace locks.
No matter what we discuss here today, I'm never going to have my name restored but I've got to try and set the record straight.
Now that Cheney is back in the limelight, and with his daughter harboring political ambitions, it is time to set the record straight on him.
So this holiday season, when the big chains are waging a fierce battle to offer the lowest priced toys, Storch wants to set the record straight.
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Crowley said her intent in doing so was not to set the record straight for viewers but merely to steer the discussion out of a cul-de-sac.
In an effort to set the record straight, Anderson created a measure to adjust for the total number of graduates at each school during the period surveyed.
We tried getting in touch with Klayman to set the record straight, but this just underscored what looks to be his (and DMM's) rapid retreat from public scrutiny.
Let us hope it means more clear thinking, a wider debate, greater seeking of the truth and above all, may it set the record straight for Good King Richard!
There has been speculation about my going to another network but, to set the record straight, I currently have no other offer and honestly have no idea what happens next.
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All Clinton had to do was acknowledge his misbehavior, apologize to his client and set the record straight that there had been no sexual relations between the two of them.
As soon as the error was established, Greenpeace set the record straight and Lord Melchett wrote to the chief executive of Shell UK with an apology and immediately retracted the allegation.
News of the bonding session came in a statement issued by McLaren on behalf of Hamilton to set the record straight over the British rookie's relationship with double world champion Alonso.
Allow us to set the record straight for you.
ENGADGET: China's complicated history with video games: when a ban isn't really a ban