Horse and rider must clear up to 35 obstacles in a set time limit.
BBC: SPORT | TV/Radio Listings | Grandstand | Three-day eventing explained
Currently housing licences are only given to essential skilled workers for a set time.
Communities with Type B contracts, for example, typically discount the cost of additional care for a set time period.
You can set Time Stamp to back up automatically and it only takes ten seconds to finish data backup.
ENGADGET: MSI formally unveils 14-inch CX480 laptop, stops short of naming a price
When you give an asset to a GRAT, you retain the right to regular payments for a set time period.
Players take decisions about how to interact with other characters within set time limits through a series of five episodes.
BBC: Dishonored wins Best Game Bafta at 2013 video game awards
Cornerstone investors generally commit to holding relatively large stakes for a set time period, demonstrating their confidence in the shares.
At the set time, the room's lights and air-conditioning switch on automatically.
Equipped with a timer and sensors, the bench starts tilting after a set time, creating an incline that eventually dumps its occupant.
John and I decided early on that we'd avoid e-mail and texts in favor of phone calls at a set time each day.
Cornerstone investors generally commit to hold large stakes for a set time, giving comfort to investors wary about a selloff after the company is listed.
The chairman of the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners, Alun Rees, wants a law to force councils to allocate land within a set time.
Cornerstone investors generally commit to holding large stakes for a set time period, demonstrating their confidence in the shares and comforting other investors who may fear that the shares will decline after the listing.
It must be completed in a set time.
BBC: SPORT | TV/Radio Listings | Grandstand | Three-day eventing explained
It scores badly because it has not eliminated such chemicals altogether, has not set time limits for doing so, does not provide a full list of regulated substances and is insufficiently precautionary for Greenpeace's tastes.
Some stress-reactive people time their commutes to avoid traffic, set time limits on stressful meetings or schedule onerous tasks at times when they aren't tired or hungry, says Ms. Martin, founder of, a website on managing stress.
In health, we will set out tomorrow a new guarantee of treatment within a set time which starts from the moment a patient is referred by their GP - not the time that they get onto the queue for their operation.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Full text: Blair on public services
And while there is no set time limit for the exception stated in the law, it is generally assumed that the period for such questioning to determine whether an immediate public threat may exist typically cannot extend for more than forty-eight hours.
Tesco, Britain's largest supermarket chain, was able to take the lead in online groceries by devising a fairly simple system: goods ordered over the internet are picked from the shelves of the nearest supermarket and delivered to homes within set time slots.
During the mortgage crisis, the vast majority of jumbos were adjustable-rate mortgages and hybrid adjustable-rate mortgages, which started at low fixed rates and switched to adjustable interest rates at the end of a set time period typically of five, seven or 10 years, said Keith Gumbinger, vice president at, a mortgage-information website.
Another approach is to set aside time during a meeting to set ground rules, says Dana Brownlee, founder of Professionalism Matters, a corporate-training company in Atlanta.
Sales on iPhone were up 28% or 26 million units, which set an all-time June record. iPad sales jumped 84% to 17 million units, which also set an all-time record.
Just in case things became unbearable, she set a time limit for her project: 30 days.
Besides, they noted, the tax code itself does not set a time limit for equitable relief.
Set aside time and money for a vacation, and guard it like gold, Thomas advises.
Do you and your partners set aside time for planning, or will you in 2013?
The government, he said, should "recognise this" and set aside time for a debate, on an "votable motion".
The committee has not yet set a time frame as to when they expect a deal to be reached.
The Mozambique runner set a time of one minute 56.57secs - the fastest time in the world this year.