The trust Wyeth set up to settle the class-action claims has ground to a virtual halt as it examines claims for possibly fraudulent medical evidence.
Hoffa believed Giacalone had set up the meeting to help settle a feud between Hoffa and Provenzano, but Hoffa was the only one who showed up for the meeting, according to the FBI.
AXA, Italy's Generali and Germany's Allianz, an international commission, under Lawrence Eagleburger, a former American secretary of state, is now negotiating to set up a similar fund to settle such claims once and for all.
ECONOMIST: Holocaust reparations
The rival factions have repeatedly met in vain in the past year, under Egypt's aegis, to try to settle their differences and set up a unity government.
ECONOMIST: Palestinian disunity
Every city, in this era of marketing and branding, likes to present itself as something special -- a destination that is sparkling and inviting, a wonderful place for families to settle in, or for businesses to set up shop.
CNN: Sioux City SUX, and that's OK
Since quitting the game, Pericard has set up Elite Welfare Management, a business aimed at helping foreign players settle within the English game.
CNN: Balotelli on the brink: Sink or swim for 'Super Mario'?
Most companies, such as Johns Manville and U.S. Gypsum, admit they owe more than they're worth and form an alliance with plaintiff lawyers to set up trusts--funded with stock and insurance dollars--that settle asbestos claims with minimal scrutiny.
FORBES: A Line in the Dust
Not willing to accept that she would have to settle for a low-grade job, she took the opportunity to set up her own business, and it was organising a family get together that gave her the inspiration.
BBC: Tees - Small business: The Party Planner
But if you're willing to settle for another spare 60s era design--the Studebaker Avanti--eBay Motors can set you up.
FORBES: Live Like The Jetsons