Newcomer Scheckter led at the halfway point, setting the fastest halfway pace in Indy history, before crashing out.
He urges the owners of other buildings where Fort Point is setting up offices to bring in Urban Media.
At that point, setting it all right becomes even more difficult.
Companies need to reward these in new ways: after all, if they want their workers to be flexible, there is no point in setting narrow targets.
Of course, this means that XP's cutoff will suddenly move even further down the line, which makes us wonder what the point of setting that June 2010 date was in the first place.
ENGADGET: Windows 7 still slated for 2010 says Microsoft, Bill Gates just crazy-talking
In addition to the advanced functions that will satisfy experienced photographers, the LUMIX GH2 is easy enough for beginners to use comfortably because of Panasonic's iA (Intelligent Auto) mode, a popular setting in the LUMIX point-and-shoots that automatically engages features and settings for optimal image quality by detecting the shooting environment.
Mr Harvie said there was little point in ministers setting targets if their budgets did not support them.
And yet there are no plans, we're told, no plans at this point, about setting up military tribunals.
Besides the views, the setting is also a selling point.
FORBES: Raising The Bar In Baltimore: The New Four Seasons Hotel
On Friday the selling got worse, with the Dow setting another record with a 108 point drop.
FORBES: Fears That Sparked Black Monday In 1987 Dormant But Not Dead
The SPY retested the January lows in March (point 3), setting the stage for a bear-market rally.
But, at least from the point of view of setting dietary guidelines, Yach has been much more successful at PepsiCo than he was at the W.H.
Case in point: the record-setting 73rd home run hit by San Francisco Giant Barry Bonds in the 2001 season.
Before setting out for Wildcat Camp in the Point Reyes National Seashore, I lingered in front of the dried soup packets at the grocery store but was put off by all the preservatives (and salt) on the ingredients lists.
Also there will be an attempt to speed up the signing of deals, or the procurement process - which can take up to five years at the moment - by setting an 18-month deadline (at which point, any public sector money allocated to the project would be reallocated).
And as the bloggers at Naked Capitalism point out, the Basel committee focused on setting capital levels but did not address liquidity standards or accounting, two other crucial issues facing the banking industry.
FORBES: New Capital Rules Not Much of a Stretch for US Banks
To my chagrin, the list was pretty long because at this point in my life conference fatigue is my default setting.
MPs will be setting new precedents however they react, if at some future point they do conclude that they have been lied to.
Quenneville led Chicago to a league-best 36-7-5 mark after opening the season by earning a point in each of its first 24 games, setting an NHL record.
Before this week's liquidity actions, financial markets expected another three-quarter-point cut at the Fed's next rate-setting meeting on March 18th.
Mr Berlusconi, then, is setting off on the comeback trail from a lower and more unpromising point than ever before.
Setting all that aside, we're now at a certain point where we have got to begin to fill in the enormity of the hole that this economic downturn created.
And the final point is that the costs of health care -- setting aside anything we did in reform, I mean, if we just allowed the current trajectory to go on -- is out of control.
At that point, U.S. customs seized his money, setting off a two-year struggle for Zapeta to get it back.
Setting aside the validity of this preemptory indictment, it does make the point that all thinking is not alike.
"My point is not that we want federal bureaucrats on the banks of the Potomac setting education policy, " Williams said.
Discussion about this very point was part of the last Governing Board meeting, as the members considered setting up a referees meeting before this year s season begins.
In a recent Reuters post, Sony said they are setting out to reform the TV segment, well, they meant THEIR TV segment, but the point is that the whole TV segment IS changing.
FORBES: Life without a Gaming Console Brought to you by Playcast
Setting out on an ocean voyage, with water in gourds and pounded tubers tied up in leaves, he would point his canoe into the right slant of wind, and then along a path between a rising star and an opposite, setting one.