Because China does not disclose the composition of the basket, setting the value of the yuan in this way provides its currency managers with a high degree of flexibility.
The shareholder proposal at issue sought to amend Apple's articles of incorporation in three ways, including changing language about the election of directors, setting a minimum value of Apple shares and requiring a shareholder vote before issuing preferred shares.
WSJ: Judge Grants David Einhorn's Bid To Block Apple Proxy Vote
Being a girl scout taught me the value of setting a goal for myself and achieving it.
Not surprisingly, Mrs Hitchcock is a firm believer in the value of Ofsted in setting high expectations and raising standards.
"We commend these banks for strengthening the link between compensation and business integrity, which is central to creating long-term value, and for setting new standards of disclosure, " he said.
Whether companies like it or not, these shopping experiences are setting the bar for how people perceive value.
FORBES: 7 Tips for Building Brand Loyalty in a Discount Obsessed Market
It will have been shown to have value in a real world setting, thereby commanding favorable pricing and the confidence of patients, physicians and payers.
FORBES: McKinsey Decrees That the Pharma R&D Productivity Gains Are Real
But despite its questionable predictive value, the game of setting price targets is a lucrative one for Wall Street because it makes people want to trade boosting commission revenue.
Over the next couple of decades, much of the advantage will swing to the better-burger upstarts, setting up an increasingly pitched battle for the shrinking value-burger audience.
FORBES: How America's Upstart Burger Chains Will Help McDonald's
The Church charges the ordinance workers below-market-value rent as a means of off-setting the operating expenses of the complex.
FORBES: Maryland Exempts Residence For Mormon Temple Workers As "Convent"
Matching American levels of profitability is a challenge chief executives around the globe are setting for themselves, as the notion of enhancing shareholder value spreads and capital scours the world for the highest returns.
This approach may work well for some but others may appreciate the value associated with establishing goals using the SMART goal setting method.
FORBES: How To Improve Job Security In Economically Challenging Times
Customers came flocking as LuLu made its name as a provider of value-for-money goods by eliminating middlemen and setting up its own manufacturing and bulk purchasing.
FORBES: Middle East Retailer Yusuff Ali Emerges As Billionaire
Last week, France called for the European Central Bank (ECB) to consider setting a target for the single currency - steering it lower when the value became too high.
As Khan explained how his team is setting up its network, it reminded me that those who are discounting the long-term value of entities such as the Khan Academy and Knewton, an adaptive learning platform, may be making a significant mistake, as both are positioning themselves to make a run at being the learning platform of the future.
"What I am saying to those organisations who have got skills in running schools for troubled young people from difficult backgrounds, people with experience in setting up academies, can you bring an additional skill to this task that means we can deliver better value and better outcomes and that's the purpose of this consultation, " he added.
Venture-capital firms are often demanding, setting ambitious commercial objectives milestones, as they are known and complex provisions to protect the value of their shares.