On Thursday, when Francis returned to his former living quarters to collect his bags and settleaccounts, his actions inspired tears of staff members as the pontiff remembered names of employees and inquired into the well-being of their families.
In the Dallas area, it wasn't devastating by any means but Ironside began noticing that the restaurants, bars, movie theaters and hotels that hired him to do their finishing work were taking longer and longer to settle their accounts.
Similarly, the institution of private property particularly the massive, confiscated assets of the communist party and the ability of republics to secede provided they can settle their accounts with Moscow in hard currency are almost sure to become flashpoints.
The Long Island broker has agreed to settle charges being brought against him regarding his management of two investment accounts belonging to the Sisters of Charity of New York.
But it was also criticised last year by MPs on the public accounts committee for supposedly cutting "cosy" deals to settle the complicated tax affairs of big companies such as Vodafone and Goldman Sachs.