These reports show when a stock purchase has been made but shares have not been delivered to the buyer by the three-day settlement deadline.
Included among the covenants of the credit agreement was a requirement that Knight maintain certain levels of capital for its broker-dealer subsidiaries, which the company might be unable to meet, following the three-day settlement of its erroneous trades, without securing additional capital from outside.
Earlier this month--just a day after settlement talks between Justice and Microsoft fell apart--he reiterated his interest in bundling speech-recognition software into a future version of Windows.
On Oct. 3, 2001, the day prosecutors announced the settlement, they filed criminal fraud charges accusing TAP executives of perpetrating the overbilling scheme.
In 1565, a Spanish expedition established the first permanent European settlement in North America at present-day St.
That adds to rules the SEC announced earlier in the day that would tighten the borrowing and settlement requirements short sellers have to follow.
The first white settlement was at Russell, where the Tucker Thompson docks for the day.
The civil lawsuit was apparently filed after Hertz, 56, and the SEC could not negotiate a settlement, which is how so many such securities cases end the day they are filed.
The discoveries also cleared up a long-standing mystery about a Roman lodging house found on the slopes above the present-day town of Thun, where there was a Roman temple and settlement.
"At the end of the day, investors are less worried about the monetary aspects of a potential settlement, " he explained.
Jenny Sanford filed a complaint the next day, saying his visit on that night and several other occasions violated their divorce settlement.
Ministers authorised a multi-million pound settlement to make the men drop their cases and so prevent any documents seeing the light of day.
The next day, Mr. Hurd's lawyers were in San Francisco working out the details of a settlement with Ms. Fisher's attorneys.