They determined that seventy-five per cent of the dinosaur was composed of original bone, as advertised.
For, say, a referendum campaign, they charged between twenty-five thousand and seventy-five thousand dollars.
White, who died in 1944, at seventy-five, was from the same part of Kansas as the Bairs.
He said the aim would be to target the seventy-five million Commonwealth children without any primary education.
By the late nineteen-fifties, seventy-five per cent of the women who worked were in female-only, mainly service jobs.
All you had to do to ignite a blowup was put a seventy-five-watt bulb into a sixty-watt socket.
The American diplomats responsible for Kunduz are stationed seventy-five miles away, in a heavily fortified base in Mazar-e-Sharif.
Seventy-five-year-old Tony Hill was left on a trolley for 21 hours after being admitted to the RVH on Tuesday.
Seventy-five percent of poll respondents under 30 and 67 percent of those under 45 voted for him in Virginia.
CNN: Exit polls for Potomac primaries show support for Obama ran wide
Seventy-five miles from Bina Bawi runs Iraq's biggest export route, the Kirkuk-to-Ceyhan pipeline.
Seventy-five percent of 18-24 year olds watch online TV shows or movies weekly, up from 62 percent last year.
FORBES: A Case For iPad Mini? Tablet TV Watching Skyrockets Among Older Viewers
Seventy-five years ago, in the depths of the Great Depression, with a stroke of a pen, President Franklin D.
Seventy-five percent of patients have one or more health problems related to chemotherapy.
CNN: Could childhood chemo cause heart problems for an adult?
Seventy-five percent of respondents said the MTA did a good or excellent job.
Seventy-five percent would be recycled, composted or burnt to produce power for the plant with the rest going to landfill.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Foul smells blamed on incinerator
Seventy-five thousand tons dead-weight rushing through the fog at the rate of fifty feet per second, had hurled itself at an iceberg.
We still make approximately seventy-five cents on the dollar of a male counterpart, for the same job, performance and credentials.
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Seventy-five per cent of the food crop varieties we once grew have disappeared from our fields in the last 100 years.
FORBES: The Future of Life On Earth: Part Two Of The Discussion
Over the next five years, investment in the Fort McMurray area is expected to amount to more than seventy-five billion dollars.
Seventy-five percent of the employers surveyed said they would consider an application from an overqualified worker who is 50 or older.
Seventy-five percent of those surveyed said they'd draw the line if they were ever charged by an airline to use toilets.
Sinai-Grace experienced more line infections than seventy-five per cent of American hospitals.
Seventy-five percent of known al Qaeda leaders have been brought to justice.
Seventy-five-year-old Texas socialite Lynn Wyatt exhibited her wardrobe of vintage haute couture.
Seventy-five distilleries are under construction, on top of the 111 now operating.
As the bidding opened, at eight hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars, Robert Painter, an attorney from Houston, stood up, a BlackBerry in his hand.
The fifth, the end-Cretaceous event, which occurred sixty-five million years ago, exterminated not just the dinosaurs but seventy-five per cent of all species on earth.
Only the fourth or fifth time around did I get seventy-five.
In 2005, MTV Networks considered buying Facebook for seventy-five million dollars.
Yet, in the last seventy-five years, the U.S. dollar has lost 92 percent of its purchasing power, according to money manager Chris Davis of Davis Advisors.