Of the seventy-one, five were general obligation bonds and 66 were non-GO (revenue) bonds.
Seventy-one MSPs backed the amendment, with one MSP against it and there were 46 abstentions.
Seventy-one percent of those surveyed said people should be allowed to protest military action, while 24 percent said they should not.
Seventy-one percent of teens believe their parents read or write down directions while driving, while 55 percent of parents say they actually do.
McCain, who is seventy-one, looks both older and more vigorous than he does on television, which tends to conceal the scars from a skin cancer.
It took her seventy-one days, fourteen-hours, eighteen-minutes and thirty-three seconds.
BBC: Mundo | Aprenda ingl��s | Nuevo r��cord alrededor del mundo
Seventy-one percent of employees are not engaged in their work?
Hennessy earned six hundred and seventy-one thousand dollars in salary from Stanford last year, but he has made far more as a board member of and shareholder in Google and Cisco.
Knief had spent a portion of her trip examining libraries in Florida and Louisiana, and she had walked away feeling pleased with how Kern County's far-flung network of seventy-one branches, many of which she had single-handedly expanded, stacked up by comparison.
Most people on Wall Street, not surprisingly, believe that they earn their keep, but at least one influential financier vehemently disagrees: Paul Woolley, a seventy-one-year-old Englishman who has set up an institute at the London School of Economics called the Woolley Centre for the Study of Capital Market Dysfunctionality.
Seventy-one-year-old Berlusconi, who ranks 90th on the Forbes 2008 list of billionaires, said while he had first been silent at first, he was "dismayed" by the "unacceptable" condition being offered by Air France-KLM and the prospect of losing a national airline, while countries such as Greece and Portugal kept theirs.
GARCIA-NAVARRO: Seventy-three-year-old Juanita is one of seven children born to father, Angel Castro, and mother Lina Ruz.
Seventy-five percent of patients have one or more health problems related to chemotherapy.
CNN: Could childhood chemo cause heart problems for an adult?
Cash was known to vanish: in one instance, seventy-eight million dollars that had been set aside to compensate people whose homes had been demolished to make way for railroad tracks disappeared.
Seventy-eight percent of Americans had read at least one book in the previous 12 months, with 83 percent among those aged between 16 and 29.
FORBES: Who Reads the Most in the US? The Answer Might Surprise You
They required complete control of the budget for campaign expenses. (One of their rules: save seventy-five per cent of your budget for the month before Election Day.) The firm grossed about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year.
Seventy-three did so, and 14 said they did not provide one or more of the drugs approved by NICE which were on the list.
Amidst all this secret activity, only one expert seems to have managed to ascend the seventy-foot scaffold uninvited, a doctoral student by the name of Johanna Kolbe.
FORBES: So You Think You Wouldn't Be Bamboozled By Lothar Malskat's Art Forgeries? [Book Excerpt #2]
One study of the Red Brigades, the Italian terrorist group of the nineteen-seventies, found that seventy per cent of recruits had at least one good friend already in the organization.
Of the seventy-five names, an astonishing fourteen are Americans born within nine years of one another in the mid-nineteenth century. (Emphasis added.) Think about that for a moment.
FORBES: Dear President Obama, You Can't Create Growth, But You CAN Suffocate It
They found that the average patient required a hundred and seventy-eight individual actions per day, ranging from administering a drug to suctioning the lungs, and every one of them posed risks.
Many sharks perish as bycatch, but increasingly they are being hunted for their fins, a delicacy in China and a lucrative commodity. (The annual export of fins is thought to be worth about a billion dollars.) One study, published in Ecology Letters last year, estimates that between twenty-six million and seventy-three million sharks are killed for their fins every year.