Earlier this year, Halliburton severed ties with KBR ex-chairman Jack Stanley over allegations of financial impropriety.
By the time the day was over, nearly all of Armstrong's major sponsors had severed ties with him.
Farhat has severed ties with the ICL and is named in all three squads, but batsman Misbah-ul-Haq has been dropped.
They severed ties years ago, and they have no idea where they are now or what is happening with their lives.
The news that Nike dropped its sponsorship and severed ties with Lance Armstrong got me thinking about how all that has changed.
Monday's meeting was intended to repair the rift which opened up when the Bosnian Serbs severed ties with NATO over those arrests last month.
CNN: Bosnia talks founder as key Bosnian Serb fails to turn up
The fallout was the worst between the two countries since Saudi Arabia severed ties when Egypt signed a peace deal with Israel in 1979.
BBC: Egypt lawyer Gizawi to get jail and lashes in Saudi Arabia
MANAMA, Bahrain (CNN) -- British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw called on Syria Monday to assure the international community it has severed ties with Iraq's former regime and does not possess illegal chemical weapons.
Last year, Bank of America made considerable operational strides in that direction when, having already severed ties to mortgage brokers, it closed down its correspondent mortgage business after failing to sell it.
Second, although Nike, like most major companies, severed ties with Lance Armstrong in the wake of the cyclist's admission the he had doped, Knight said "Never say never" about potential future business deals with Armstrong.
In addition to axing Weinberg - who also manages Madonna and Demi Moore - Swank has also severed ties with her talent managers Amie Yavor and Josh Lieberman at Creative Artists Agency (CAA) who reportedly made the Chechen booking.
President Chavez angrily denied the accusation and immediately severed diplomatic ties with Colombia.
And he has since severed all ties with the club after 18 years as a player, coach and manager.
It added that it had severed all ties with the magazine and would no longer co-operate with the valuation teams.
After an Irish meat-processing company, Silvercrest Foods, was linked with hamburger containing traces of horsemeat, Burger King earlier this month severed its ties.
FORBES: Burger King Posts Princely Profit: Q4 Nearly Doubles To $48.6 Million
"He has long severed his ties with the Republican Party, " Sen.
Pervez Musharraf, for he had taken our treasure but had not severed the ties of his intelligence services to the religious extremists within his country and in Afghanistan.
Cheney's office has said repeatedly that the vice president has no role in government contracting and has severed all financial ties with the Texas-based Halliburton.
It has severed its formal ties to the armed forces and the bureaucracy, but maintains informal ones, and counts many retired soldiers and bureaucrats among its members.
The firm largely severed its close ties with Facebook last December, depriving the games developer of its privileged access to the social network's one billion users, but also freeing it from the obligation to carry Facebook adverts.
His recent dispute with the Louvre over Pharaonic steles thought to have been chipped from the walls of the 3, 200-year-old tomb of the cleric, Tetaki, resulted in ties being severed with the museum.
Its ties to the government were severed in 2004, and it is now the largest originator of student loans.
Diplomatic ties between Libya and the UK were severed following the murder of PC Fletcher.