Vastly more die in many poor countries from the non-existence or inadequacy of sewerage systems.
It's not just flood water, it's sewerage coming up too and it's a serious pollution problem.
Only 8% of homes in rural Poland, for example, have any kind of sewerage system.
The rubbish business, much like sewerage, is often ill-served by corrupt and inefficient utilities.
Domestic sewerage is of concern, as it affects ecosystems close to densely populated areas.
Cooperating institutions: Environmental Management Authority, Meteorological Office, Institute of Marine Affairs, Forestry Department, Water and Sewerage Authority.
Only 18% of the population have piped water and only 2.5% are connected to a sewerage system.
Just 47% of households in the region have sewerage, half the share in greater Santiago, Chile's capital.
The Bill also aims to encourage competition by allowing business customers to switch their water and sewerage supplier.
It does not bode well for farmers, or for crammed cities with poor sewerage and other rotten infrastructure.
In north-east Brazil, too, a sewerage system combining cheaper technology and community involvement has proved a runaway success.
It is also focusing on infrastructure projects such as water, sewerage and rural electricity, as well as microfinance schemes.
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Dr Heymann speculated the virus could be excreted with body fluids, and spread via the sewerage system, or through water.
For the first time, the village has its own sewerage system and natural gas piped into the houses for cooking.
Some of the new money is also going on installing the paving, lighting and sewerage that turn favelas into neighbourhoods.
This is an area which lacks basic facilities e.g. toilets, clean water, drainage and sewerage system and other social problems.
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More people have put increased strain on the islands' water supply, sewerage and waste disposal, not to mention its fragile wildlife.
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The Consumer Council for Water said Southern Water also had an "unacceptable" number of sewerage service complaints which were not immediately resolved.
Speaking in the debate, Andrew Slaughter, Labour MP for Hammersmith, said there was a "real need" for improvements to London's sewerage system.
One delegate, for example, told the conference of a wetland south of Kampala, Uganda's capital, that works as the city's sewerage system.
In the Philippines, the city of Manila recently awarded contracts to run the city's water and sewerage services to two private consortia.
When officials in this bucolic town say they don't have a sewerage system, you get the sense they don't really want one either.
Joe Parisi, who runs Dane County, says these have spurred the county into working on new measures with the Madison metropolitan sewerage district.
Beijing's planners say that the hutong neighbourhoods are too dilapidated to renew and too narrow to be modernised with gas, water and sewerage systems.
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Its main business provides water and sewerage services to 2.6 million people in Northumberland, Tyne and Wear, County Durham and parts of North Yorkshire.
Ms Spelman told MPs 23% of households across England and Wales spent more than 3% of their disposable income on water and sewerage charges.
Yet its market is not only heavily regulated, but also fragmented: tens of thousands of municipal monopolies provide nearly all of its water and sewerage.
One heavy storm can cause ageing urban sewerage systems to overflow.
Will there be enough local services like schools, highways, parking, sewerage?
The villagers mounted a 24-hour blockade to prevent the gypsies from bringing building supplies into the field (the courts later forced them to allow sewerage works).
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