Until now, treatment has included vaginal lubricants and therapy with the female sex hormone oestrogen.
Tamoxifen blocks the female sex hormone oestrogen that fuels the growth of some breast tumours.
BBC: Scientists find why tamoxifen fails some breast cancers
These are the male sex hormone testosterone and desogestrel, a synthetic steroid found in the female pill.
Det Botha said police found two boxes of the male sex hormone testosterone and needles in Mr Pistorius's bedroom.
Dr Perls suggests that the main determinant of both lifespan and age of menopause may be oestrogen, the principal female sex hormone.
The current combined pill, which contains progesterone and another female sex hormone oestrogen, has been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer.
Coffee contains many biologically active compounds, including caffeine and phenolic acids, that have potent antioxidant activity and can affect glucose metabolism and sex hormone levels.
The cause of this condition is unknown, but it is thought that it might be caused by elevated levels of the female sex hormone oestrogen.
Besides being a sex hormone, testosterone also governs appetite for risk.
For example, higher levels of the female sex hormone estrogen can stimulate the growth of breast and endometrial cancers, and fat cells are known to produce estrogen.
The study also found that women with raised levels of a molecule called sex hormone binding globulin, which reduces the activity of sex hormones, were at lower than usual risk.
These hormones include cortisol (which is related to stress), estradiol (the main female sex hormone) and prolactin (which, as its name suggests, triggers her breast tissue to develop the ability to secrete milk).
The men in these couples, she discovered, exhibited significant changes in their levels of cortisol, testosterone (the principal male sex hormone, and thus in some sense the masculine equivalent of estradiol) and prolactin over the courses of their partners' pregnancies.
However, the use of the male hormone to boost sex drive in women may not be risk-free.
Another patient, a 62-year-old executive at a major commercial bank, says growth hormone has boosted his memory and sex drive.
She also recognizes that the hormone shifts of menopause affect her emotions and sex drive.
In fact, Hunt said, mixed martial arts guidelines don't require a sex-change surgery, but they do require two years of hormone therapy for transgender fighters.
They said hormone treatments such as tibolone (Livial) which used male sex hormones called androgens, rather than female hormones, were more successful in increasing libido.