The sex ratio in ASD approaches 1-to-1 as the degree of cognitive impairment increases.
There, selective poaching of males has led to a dramatic skew in the sex ratio.
These others were chosen to match the study group's age profile, sex ratio and dwelling place.
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India does, in fact, publish data (since 1999) on the sex ratio at birth.
Though the sex ratio has been worsening for decades, it is doing so more slowly.
The theoretical prediction about the effects of food supply on sex ratio has also been confirmed.
But as we've noted before, high-sex-ratio societies also tend to treat women better than low-sex-ratio ones do.
The sex ratio of 15-year-olds in 2005 was not far from the sex ratio at birth in 1990.
From 1790 to 1910, the sex ratio in the U.S. hovered around 104 (adult males per 100 adult females).
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Around 1910, medical science began to get a handle on death in childbirth, and the sex ratio began falling.
FORBES: The Real Marriage Crisis Is Economics, Not Gay Marriage
Still, it is significant the sex ratio at birth is improving, not worsening.
So it is possible that the sex ratio has begun to change recently in ways not captured by the census.
The fears about India's sex ratio are not merely of the harm that today's level will cause when children become adults.
Whatever the reason, the sex ratio in ASD is perhaps the most consistent finding in the field but perhaps the least understood.
"For example, it would be very interesting to know what factors generate sex ratio differences between different species or populations, " he said.
The last census, for example, revealed the dreadful scale of imbalances in the sex ratio in Punjab, Haryana and a few other states.
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In Punjab state, the sex ratio at birth improved from 129 male births per 100 female births in 1999-2001 to 119 in 2005-07.
Hampikian's hypothetical society, with a sex ratio of zero, would be a dystopia for women, and not only because they'd be deprived of entertainment.
The abnormal sex ratio will create societal tensions difficult to resolve.
The team also found and corrected for the facts that a mother's age and which province she lived in affected the sex ratio of her children.
Basically, what happened was a collision between a falling sex ratio (the number of adult males per 100 adult females), economic stagnation, and a burgeoning progressive welfare state.
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Conversely, the sex ratio has sometimes been reported to be even greater than 5-to-1 among so-called "higher-functioning" individuals with ASD, though not all studies agree on this point.
The figures are not strictly comparable, because sample surveys show the sex ratio at birth, whereas the census gives it among infants up to the age of six.
It shows the sex ratio at birth, whereas the census shows the ratio for children aged 0-6 (census figures for the sex ratio at birth have not been published).
The 2005 "mini-census" reported that the sex ratio at birth, expressed as the number of boys per 100 girls, was 119--when the global average was somewhere between 103 to 106.
One of the few to have succeeded in ending the practice is South Korea, where the sex ratio at birth peaked in 1990 and has since fallen to near-normal levels.
During the Crusades, which was the last time that western civilization had to cope with a sex ratio like the one we have today, the surplus women went to (or were sent to) convents.
FORBES: The Real Marriage Crisis Is Economics, Not Gay Marriage
And when the NSS does produce figures comparable to the census, they closely match it (for example, the NSS and census figures for the child sex ratio in 2001 and 2011 are almost identical).