Claiming that the pay gap is exaggerated does not mean sexism is not rampant in workplace.
The Everyday Sexism Project was set up by journalist Laura Bates to catalogue incidents of sexism.
She later said the sexism she encountered could get "quite overwhelming and very frustrating".
Dr Harrison said he hoped the piece would make people question assumptions about Lawrence's supposed sexism.
Duke Ferris, editor-in-chief at, said sexism is an intentional part of Duke Nukem Forever.
And she will continue fighting not just sexism, but now -- at 56 -- also ageism.
Control for an individual's testosterone levels and, at least in America, the perceived sexism vanishes.
Delegates called for recognition of the negative impact of sexism and the need to protect equal rights for women.
She blamed them more for their insecurities than she blamed men for their insensitivity or their sexism.
Her comments were applauded in some quarters - mainly outside Australia - for their strong stand on sexism.
As it happens, I had just interviewed Sarkeesian for another article (currently in progress) about sexism in gaming.
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The brother of Olympic cyclist Lizzie Armitstead has praised her bravery in speaking out about sexism in the sport.
Nationally syndicated columnist Susan Estrich called The Los Angeles Times' leadership out for sexism on its opinion pages.
It's something that Ferraro hopes will not bring sexism back into the campaign.
If all sexism is wrong, then there isn't an exemption on the stage.
It's called subtle sexism, and it unravels the tremendous progress society has made toward the goal of gender equality.
Blogger and games journalist Katie Williams has described multiple experiences of sexism both inside and outside the industry.
In her retirement speech Cooke also spoke compellingly about sexism in the sport.
Protestors from the Left Party are up in arms over the sexism and shallow materialism that they argue Barbie symbolizes.
Sandberg and many other women in Silicon Valley think the problems women encounter are usually more subtle than blatant sexism.
Ms. KIM GANDY (President, National Organization for Women): I love it that the Republicans have discovered sexism in the media.
Although Peggy faces blatant sexism in the office, she is much more fulfilled than the wives and mistresses around her.
It goes on to accuse Trump of sexism, hypocrisy on outsourcing of jobs to China and promoting climate change denial.
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Greif's depiction of a superficially perfect suburban American family coming apart in 1957 hums with undercurrents of secrecy, prejudice and sexism.
Ultimately, like much of the sexism we see in video games, this is a failure and of storytelling in the medium.
The media is also in the spotlight, with several female columnists writing about their experience of sexism in this male-dominated workplace.
In any case, I think the issue of misogyny and sexism in art can be difficult to parse through at times.
Indians pondering the roots of sexism debate many possible influences, from the machismo of swaths of northern India, to mythology, to caste.
New research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that sexism in science is alive and well.
Which means for all the talk of sexism, the campaign seemed most livid about the challenge to McCain's judgment, not Palin's record.