In fact, El Bulli's end seems to have opened up space for other farmers, food producers and chefs to step out of Adria's shadow and show off their culinary diversity.
BBC: Spain��s Catalonia after El Bulli
Mr Lammy, the shadow higher education minister, said Oxford University "needs to show more humility about its woeful admissions figures".
BBC: Oxford University: PM incorrect on black student intake
Some shadow ministers complain that the minifesto was a golden opportunity to show voters that the Conservative Party was at last thinking creatively about many issues other than Europe, but that Mr Hague squandered this opportunity by over-emphasising once again its hostility to the single currency.
ECONOMIST: Ready to rumble
It was a theme on full display in a speech by the shadow chancellor, Michael Portillo, who appealed to his party to show tolerance, respect and support for all people, whatever their background, race or sexual orientation.
ECONOMIST: On the up
Shadow chancellor Ed Balls praised the news but said that the figures "show that underlying growth remains weak".
BBC: UK economy returns to growth with help from Olympics
Shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander, speaking on BBC One's Andrew Marr Show, said the Church also had a role to play in calling for change.
BBC: Ed Miliband warns of St Paul's protest 'danger signals'
He notes that although a detectable tilt is caused when the temperature drops by a few degrees, that tilt is too small to explain the anomalies and, in any case, it would lag roughly 30 minutes behind the shadow (because it takes time for the ground to cool) while the experimental measurements show a change in g instantaneously during an eclipse.
ECONOMIST: Gravitational anomalies