It is a wide bay of flint shingle with a shallowly sloping foreshore, and was formerly guarded by slumping pillboxes.
BBC: England��s ghostly South Downs Way
Cleaning the wafers could affect solar samples because the particles -- atomic isotopes emitted by the sun -- are only shallowly embedded in the tiles.
CNN: High hopes to salvage Genesis science
On cable they obsess on the story, but shallowly.
CNN: Why Gore Should Concede
The general atmosphere of both stories and even some of the characters are very similar: both are set in Woodyland, that familiar elegant fantasy version of Manhattan, impeccably furnished, with no brightness, no neon, no pop culture anywhere, and the characters are largely a nattering, trivial, shallowly self-serving bunch.
NEWYORKER: Melinda and Melinda