Herod did the same, expounding in the course of Cleopatra's Jerusalem visit on her shameless behavior.
But they're the best workers, Satellite claims with shameless illogic, because they're no longer so afraid.
The red carpet was no better, despite the desperate attempts of my seemingly shameless reporter cohort.
Any tarnish on Ferrari's season was self-inflicted by their shameless application of team tactics.
The day-trading industry hasn't entirely shed its unclean reputation nor abandoned its more shameless tactics.
The doctor in "Mama, " played by Daniel Kash, is a psychologist, and a shameless hustler.
The rich lavished their wealth on luxury goods for their palazzos, and on shameless dressing up.
But here's my core belief about workout music: It needs to be fun and a little shameless.
's friend Lotty Herschel is enraged by what she sees as his shameless exploitation of Jewish history.
In a debate in the Commons Mr Clegg accused Newcastle City Council of "shameless political opportunism and cynicism".
The shameless consultants can just pull their data base of all the other overpaid CEOs as their backup.
FORBES: Is The End Of Gigantic, Unfair, And Absurd CEO Pay Near?
McDonald's new Made-For-You marketing is a shameless ripoff of Burger King's Have-It-Your-Way promotion.
First, Netanyahu isn't as shameless as Sharon and he doesn't seem to have the dictatorial impulses Sharon suffered from.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Chuck Hagel - It's the anti-Americanism, stupid
The most common trait of affinity swindler is that he is usually shameless.
You may not have heard of the shameless tobacco lobbyist Nick Naylor or know much about the actor Aaron Eckhart.
The shameless theatrics of Edward Fagan, the American lawyer who championed the reparation claims against the German companies, look ominous.
At analysts' meetings in America Robert Koehler, the chairman, is as shameless as the next man in promoting his firm.
You need to have a U.S. senator like Jim Talent who won't play shameless politics with the judges I put forward.
Shameless plug: you should seriously think about putting one in your street rod or street machine instead of another 350 Chevy.
FORBES: Spectre Performance Aiming to Break 400 MPH Barrier at Bonneville
Some turn you off from an author entirely due to lewdness, crudeness, or endless and shameless hawking of their own wares.
FORBES: Total Twits: Tila Tequila and Perez Hilton fight about Casey Johnson's death
Still, even more than Thompson, Vauchez has a shameless tendency to equivocate.
Milton and Ms. Oswald notwithstanding, some true poets have been shameless suck-ups.
WSJ: A Protest Without Rhyme or Reason | Postmodern Times by Eric Felten
The latest and one of the most shameless forays into corporations trying to control and spy on consumers has just surfaced in Canada.
Senator Feinstein begins her censure resolution with the appropriate word 'shameless.
And even the most shameless debauchee may end up an alderman.
And so Mr Gore has become a modern Icarus: he flew to the top of politics behind a shameless president, and ended up getting burnt.
Even the Black Panthers, who sallied into town for a shameless publicity session, praised the white sheriff, Billy Rowles, for his efficient handling of the case.
Newcastle's plan to cut all funding for venues including the Theatre Royal attracted widespread attention with deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg calling it "shameless political opportunism and cynicism".
Her son however was much less shameless about his motivations.
Few executives anywhere push their style so forcefully, let alone at an outfit like HP, a place so low-key and humble that Japanese executives are shameless self-promoters by comparison.