The new shares represent a 6.2% stake in the expanded share capital of the company.
FORBES: Look Out Below: Chinese Billionaire's Evergrande Sells Shares At 6% Discount
In America, for example, at least 18 large banks have cut their dividends or raised new share capital.
The distribution and aviation firm said it had reached agreement to acquire the entire issued share capital of Kent-based Orbital Marketing Services Group.
BBC: Edinburgh firm John Menzies buys marketing firm for ?20m
But with David Whelan and his family owning just under 40% of JJB's share capital, any offer would depend on whether they feel like selling.
The sale represented about 4.4% of the company's issued share capital.
On September 25th last year, Vivendi announced that it intended to cancel around 3% of its share capital by purchasing 33m shares for cash in the open market.
We may go to sporting events together, like when the New Orleans Saints play the Atlanta Falcons, but when the game is over we rarely vote together, do not share capital and grow together.
As announced on 9 July 2012, ASML can issue new shares equivalent to 9.99% of its issued share capital to Intel as per the authorizations granted at ASML's 2012 Annual General Meeting of shareholders.
ENGADGET: Acronym-loving Samsung joins Intel and TSMC, buys stake in ASML
Bumi said that it received a request from the Bakrie Group to cancel their indirect 23.8% shareholding, in exchange for an equivalent value of PT Bumi Resources shares representing 10.3% of the total outstanding share capital.
So new technology can be a vehicle of radical social change and rebellion, but it should also be viewed as a tool to harness informational capital and share that capital as broadly as possible.
As a result, McClendon has had to invest significantly towards his share of capital expenditure and operating expense relating to all the wells drilled to date.
The fact that the current big players have so much market share, capital, and the advantage of economies of scale and huge advertising budgets only makes matters worse.
For if the US experience is anything at all like the UK one it is precisely because those two have risen that the labour share has fallen: while the capital share has remained almost static.
FORBES: Labour's Share Of The National Income Is Falling: But Is It Being Measured The Right Way?
ConocoPhillips has shown little willingness, or ability, to take on the complicated work of forging political connections required to make such deals work, let alone putting up its share of capital to get the next phase going.
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They had to repay a share of any capital gain and most have now done so.
Over in the European numbers for the same thing we have capital share, labour share, mixed income and taxes minus subsidies.
FORBES: Labour's Share Of The National Income Is Falling: But Is It Being Measured The Right Way?
Sometimes that bonus covers even enterprises established in share with their capital.
They match to the BEA numbers as labour share being compensation of employees, taxes minus subsidies are the same of course, mixed income is proprietors income and everything else is part of the capital share.
FORBES: Labour's Share Of The National Income Is Falling: But Is It Being Measured The Right Way?
The AIM market, unlike NASDAQ, uses a market maker, a representative firm that uses a series of factors to determine and set a fair share price for stocks like Sky Capital Holdings, which had a low share trading volume.
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Rather, the share price of Dividend Capital is set by a calculation of asset value that is recalculated daily.
In the British case, the industry's share of labour and capital has been on a declining trend since 1990.
ECONOMIST: The banks' contribution to the economy has been overstated
However, shareholders of the publicly-traded parent company saw share prices of Janus Capital Group, Inc. suffer as a result of the scandal as well.
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The productivity push freed up capital for share buybacks, and the stock price jumped an average of 118% a year from 2009 to 2012.
Some of the fall is easily explained: the recession has inevitably cut tax receipts, and the collapse in share prices has reduced capital gains on which people pay tax.
The view that adjustment will come through share prices rather than capital accumulation turns Mr Tobin on his head, so it is unsurprising, if rather awkward for the authors, that the great man by no means endorses his disciples.
According to Bismarck Rewane, an analyst at Lagos-based Financial Derivatives, many of the banks have managed to meet the capitalisation benchmark by raising capital through share offerings and entering into special treaties which sometimes involve the exchange of loans for deposits.
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As The Economist went to press, it looked likely that a diluted version of the Volcker rule would pass, allowing banks to keep running hedge-fund and private-equity units for clients who want to invest in them, and perhaps to keep putting a small share of their own capital in them as well.
This, it expects, will help increase flexibility with regard to preserving capital for future share buybacks.
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Before the tax reform, selling the share was unattractive because any capital gain was taxed at 50%.
Spending cash on share buy-backs boosts earnings per share immediately, whereas a capital-investment programme may actually reduce earnings in the short term.
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