Yeung was already the leading individual shareholder and earlier this week his Grandtop International company said it had raised its stake in Birmingham.
Initially, the company had high hopes that a helping hand would be lent by the flamboyant billionaire industrialist Kjell Inge Rokke whose company Aker Maritime controls 18% of Kvaerner's shares, making it the largest single shareholder.
Yeung is already the club's leading individual share-holder with 29.9% of the shares while his company Grandtop International Holdings now holds 81.7%.
Each file will then be issued a unique, sophisticated decryption key which only the file holder will control, allowing them to share the file as they choose.
As the group coalesces around one perceived knowledge holder, minorities are less likely to share their own perspectives, despite the fact that minority opinions make groups wiser as a whole.