Guangdong Kelon, China's largest private white-goods maker, was the first private company to list in Hong Kong, with a share issue in 1996.
On this basis, I agreed to waive my entitlement to the share related awards and proceeded to subscribe for my full allocation of shares in the ensuing share issue.
Having raised finance by selling assets and from a share issue completed in August, Fiat is using part of the money to overhaul its product line.
Last month, Toyota said it would not participate in a new share issue by Sakura, its house bank.
There are no signs of Mediobanca relinquishing its grasp: last month, it announced a capital increase and the sale of some corporate stakes in order to take up its rights in a Generali share issue.
Rather than stepping in to guarantee the share issue, the company has reportedly offered to lend money to Kvaerner, using a financial vehicle called a convertible loan.
Swedish Minister for Enterprise and Energy Maud Olofsson said the government intended to take part in the rights issue so that the state continues its present share ownership in the airline.
CNN: Airline SAS cuts 3,000 jobs, announces restructuring plans
Each preferred share would issue 50 cents per quarter in dividends indefinitely.
In late October Union Bank of Switzerland was lead manager for Nichiei in the largest pure overseas share issue ever by a Japanese firm.
"Our share price is sort of a political issue in Sweden, " says Nievert.
"Wow, I hope there is some marriage advice in this Forbes issue that I can share with my friends, family and co-workers!"
Petrobras said it was putting the share issue on hold because of a delay in a government valuation of its offshore reserves.
Michel Suleiman to fill the post, political wrangling among Lebanon's political factions -- including disagreements on how to share power in a future Cabinet -- has kept the issue from coming up for a vote.
They could issue them on the share price at any date in history if that had taken their fancy.
Various academic studies had found a suspiciously strong correlation between the issue dates of share options awarded to employees and low points in the awarding company's share price.
ECONOMIST: A conviction for backdating options may be the first of many
Not that the classically good-looking Patrick, who recently posed for a spread in the latest Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, doesn't have her share of male fans.
"We knew that we weren't going to solve the issue of homelessness in one day, but we were able to share some of the joy, " Ms. Lillianson says.
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In the summer, Deutsche Telekom became the first European company to aim a share issue at retail investors across Europe.
This issue weighed down Qysmia sales in the recent first quarter, as insurers share many of the same concerns as regulators.
FORBES: Will The Prescription Diet Pill Market Finally Bulk Up?
Some of the messages at issue in Cawley's new claims contain gossip that it would be unethical to share.
But after a share issue attracted pledges from all over the world, Eibar was able to take its place in the top flight and underline its commitment to financial prudence.
Both autos share the same unfortunate battery protrusion in the trunk area, and while it's less of an issue in the Fusion sedan than the wagon-like C-MAX, it detracts from the overall package.
In the new issue of Forbes, Tomio Geron writes about the unstoppable rise of the share economy.
FORBES: Beyond The Auto Industry's Secret Fear: The Share Economy
Generally, those that have actually led to lengthy work stoppages share the common trait of a single lightning rod issue, like football players trying to win free agency in the 1980s or baseball owners trying to institute a salary cap in the 1990s.
In other words, you have to agree that the new-issue market has more than its share of hazards.
We live in a pluralistic society where we're not going to agree on every single issue, or share every belief.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Contraception and Religious Institutions | The White House