"She didn't write about battles and she didn't know about military tactics, " Moorehead says.
The problem was, she didn't lift weights, and in case you were wondering, she didn't take steroids.
"(Lynn) didn't know her age, she didn't know her address, she didn't know her phone number and she didn't even know her name, " Smith said.
It was a nightmarish result: through May, Starr didn't trust her, and she didn't like him.
She was aware that it wasn't a terribly desirable area but she didn't feel particularly unsafe.
O'Connor told reporters Thursday that for a while, she didn't know she had a brain tumor.
Many people will think that Ms Jowell must have known more than she is letting on and that if she didn't, she should have.
Over the next five days, she remained in a medically induced coma, she told CNN, and doctors diagnosed her with a heart defect she didn't know she had -- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Heigl, the disgruntled star of Grey's Anatomy, fueled a media frenzy last spring when she withdrew her name from Emmy consideration, explaining she didn't feel she was given the material to warrant a nomination.
She said she didn't think she would have been able to do it without our help and support and, because she had not done this through a fad diet, she has a much better chance of staying at that weight.
The former teacher and counselor from Indianapolis has her own apartment in an independent living facility, and says she didn't think she had a problem, but agreed to see Dr. Boustani in May 2011 after a family friend suggested the Healthy Aging Brain Center.
Now she's a traumatized spectator to the sudden arrival of a relative she didn't know she had her father's brother Charlie (Matthew Goode), who is young, devilishly handsome and twinkle-eyed in a less-than-wholesome way toward India's fragile mother, Evie (Nicole Kidman), as well as toward India herself.
When she looked up brominated vegetable oil online, she didn't like what she found.
Because a lot of the princess's life she was terribly lonely, she didn't know who she could trust, she was frightened about her own security - lots of aspects.
Among those not selected were a mother with three young sons who said she didn't think that she could be fair and a man who volunteers with The Second Mile, the charity that was founded by Mr. Sandusky.
She said she hesitated to retrieve her medal because she didn't feel as though she had earned it.
When she had a minor reaction, the school's response was, "Well, she didn't die, so she's fine, " Santos says.
If she didn't come home, she wrote little Shuhra and Shaharzad, they should take their mother's advice on how to get on without her.
CNN: In Afghanistan, a mother bravely campaigns for president
Cook says she can't think of an instance when a CEO stepped down because he or she didn't feel up to the job.
CNN: From pope to politician, when do you know it's time to go?
When it didn't work out and her formula-bred daughter grew up just fine, she didn't feel the same pressure the second time around.
Also, Fox admitted she didn't disclose to boxing authorities she is a transgender person but added she wasn't asked to either, the magazine said.
Lavinia Poist-Eades, 75, a business manager at Carpet Authority Inc. in Bel Air, which hasn't sued the firm, says she didn't suspect anything was amiss until late February, when she says AccuPay suddenly stopped answering her calls.
Cabral's consistency paid off with Angelique Vargas, who was so drunk she didn't remember the first three times she met her future pastor.
Other exhibitors aren't even coming, she said, although she didn't immediately have figures.
MSN: Drought may mean fewer, smaller animals at fairs - US news | NBC News
While shopping, she came down with a fever and started feeling like she didn't have the strength to stand, she said.
When Neko Case toured in support of 2006's Fox Confessor Brings the Flood, she claimed that she didn't like love songs, and that she was incapable of writing one.
"She cried coming up into the driveway and I thought she didn't like the house any more, " she said.
BBC: Millie Martin trial: Mother sobs during court questioning