Though his position is precarious, she doesn't believe his role is necessarily entering its final days.
But she doesn't expect to see the former health secretary now being given another government job.
Her Facebook page is dedicated to health topics, and she doesn't post personal information.
If she doesn't know a test answer, "I just do the best I can, " she says.
She's fixing it back up because, she says, she doesn't have anywhere else to go.
Realpolitikers will grumble: too bad she doesn't have Marshall's billions of dollars to rearrange the world.
She doesn't want to be berated by readers who hate the ending or want vampire spinoffs.
She doesn't welcome a rope line or shake a hand she doesn't have to.
"She doesn't buy that, doesn't believe it, and absolutely stands by her man, " Carney said.
Sukemi suffers from gastric trouble and rheumatism, especially when she doesn't get much sleep.
Yes, she knows he came in sixth place in Iowa, and no, she doesn't care.
She doesn't yet have a specific diagnosis, and she doesn't know what to do.
"She doesn't fit the profile of who we vote for for president, " he added.
She doesn't remember the pleasant amenities so much as the shortness of the visit.
Suu Kyi said she doesn't know Yettaw, didn't know of his plans and denies any wrongdoing.
She said she doesn't worry about a return to depression if she does go home.
That could all change in two weeks if she doesn't lock and load on the economy.
CNN: Commentary: For Clinton to win, she should focus on economy
"My job is to protect, and keep the world out, so she doesn't get hurt!"
She doesn't want to go through everything, but she does what she needs to do.
She routinely works 12-hour days and said she doesn't plan on slowing down much.
As for the U.S. economy, she doesn't think it will rebound until sometime next year.
While she doesn't live in the 4th, she currently represents part of the congressional district.
She doesn't have to hug or kiss anyone just because I say so, not even me.
She doesn't have much to count on when it comes to retirement except for Social Security.
CNN: Clinton's October 9, 2007 speech on retirement security
Juanita says she doesn't really remember her family being particularly political in the early days.
She doesn't like his touchy-feely ways, he finds her incremental style of politics frustrating.
She doesn't really know how to use it, and I have my doubts she ever will.
She stands up for what's right, and she doesn't let anyone tell her to sit down.
Maybe she doesn't have all the information about what's been done with her money.
She made it clear that she doesn't believe that Netanyahu is interested in peace.