The singer songwriter violinist pianist and guitarist says she doesn't come from a particularly musical family although her dad plays the guitar.
But Dahjanay Williams, a 21-year-old junior at Wheaton College in Massachusetts, still worries that if she doesn't get a job before her loans come due, she won't be able to make regular payments and her credit will take a hit.
WSJ: Third of Student-Loan Debt Belongs to Subprime Borrowers
If the money doesn't come in, she admits, the company has only enough cash to survive through April.
She doesn't sugarcoat the very real challenges that come with age physical limitations, loss of loved ones, illness but there's good stuff, too, like wisdom, courage and a rich inner life that gets better as we age.
"Jessica doesn't like the dark, she would come home, " she said.
Now that the books and movies have come to an end, she doesn't see them going away anytime soon.
Naomi Malik, the mother of the newborn Arena has come to see, is thrilled she doesn't have to pack the car up with all of her children and head to the doctor's office.
"You just don't get the through traffic anymore from Somerset - it doesn't enable people to come in to the town, " she said.
As for availability, well, it's pretty clear the hardware will have to come before the software -- a NUIA spokesperson told us she doesn't expect its kit will be commercially available until sensing devices like Tobii become integrated into Windows 8 PCs.
No, that doesn't come under 'universal care' but Angela Burns, who reckons she's a pretty simple soul, lists what she believes does: being born, dying, having a heart - that's pretty universal, orthopaedic care.
Miner, who doesn't ask for aid or a bailout, says she wants to work with the governor to come up with more cost-reduction measures, many of which were won by politically powerful unions in Albany.
As a style icon, she has the ability to inspire the public in an accessible way that one-wear red carpet fashion doesn't come close to approximating.