Although she isn't there every day of the week, Jan spends as much time at the school as possible.
"We watched for a couple of contractions while this happened and I said to Dave, 'We need to get somebody in now because she isn't happy in there', " she explained.
When a fence isn't there, she says, "potential buyers instantly start calculating the cost" to build one.
WSJ: Shared Backyards: Advice for Homeowners on Removing Fences to Create Bigger Gardens, More Space
She says even when couples say there isn't a specific reason, there is "always something going on underneath".
During the program, she cut back "on everything else in my life, " including traveling for pleasure because "there simply isn't time or funding, " she says.
WSJ: Looking to Executive M.B.A.s for Help Growing a Business
She also wrote that while "there really isn't something akin to the FAA governing submersible operations, " her company thinks sub manufacturers should offer pilot training to the owners of machine.
"Assisted reproduction technologies offer a chance to become a parent when there isn't another option, " she said.
The issue at hand appears to have officially shifted away from the suspicion that Stewart had inside information when she sold her holdings of ImClone Systems (nasdaq: IMCL - news - people ) one day before the biotech company disclosed bad news about a drug, probably because there isn't enough evidence to suggest that she did so.
"We're finding within our industry that organisations are actively looking at the reasons why there isn't diversity in the boardroom, " she told the BBC.
BBC: Gender pay gap widens to ?10,500 for managers, CMI says
"In Ashfield alone there are about 6, 000 to deliver in the next 10 years and there just isn't enough brownfield land to deliver that, " she said.
Before the ruling, Burleigh told CNN's Randi Kaye that she would be "pretty surprised" if Knox didn't go free because "there isn't very much evidence" in the case against her.
Season 2 answers the "Who is Quinn" question in the first episode, but Washington said there will be plenty of other surprises and mystery this season that even she isn't sure about.
CNN: Kerry Washington talks Olivia Pope, slavery and politics
There isn't a child in Timbuktu who doesn't recognize her, she says.
"We're an incremental step closer to worrying, but it isn't a worry where we need to say there is a pandemic coming, " she said.
"We are trying to make sure that there are the protections there for churches who feel that this isn't appropriate for their particular beliefs, " she told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.