She reassured Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas last week in Ramallah that what she wants is a serious international meeting.
However, she reassured that the ensuing expenses would be accommodated within the existing budgetary envelope and, if need be, through extra-budgetary resources.
She reassured him that Neil had been perfectly safe to drive, Menna had been fine, she had been the only one who was poorly she must have reacted badly to something, she was sorry.
But she was reassured at a forum earlier this year where she met other candidates' spouses.
She told me that in a changing world she felt reassured having seen the navy's firepower, but she felt uncomfortable with the word "nuclear".
Sarah Newton, Conservative MP for Truro and Falmouth, said she was reassured the government did understand the urgency.
Karen Bradley, Conservative MP for the Staffordshire Moorlands said she was reassured that the company was committed to the Moorlands.
"I'm reassured, " she told reporters after visiting the factory on Tuesday.
BBC: French Lubrizol factory struggles to stop foul gas leak
Moriarity reassured her that she would find another position.
Herbig reassured her 250 employees she would keep them informed and try hard to prevent the sale to another software company, and she wrung retention bonuses out of Sterling for all employees.
It seems clear that Ms. Lewinsky could think, and probably did think and reassured herself at the time she wrote and executed her affidavit, that the affidavit she submitted in the Jones case was in fact accurate.
"That is going to be something that investors want to hear more about and want to be reassured about in 2013, " she says.
She repaired relations with Germany's eastern neighbours, reassured the United States and pandered less to Russia.
Her brother, who chose the name Pope Francis, told her not to worry and reassured her he was well -- something she's also seen watching his face as the events of recent days unfolded on television.
But reassured by her service chiefs that, given resolution, the thing could be done, she made up her mind: It would be done, and thereafter her will to victory and her disregard of losses and risks never wavered.