He went back and told her he was the leader and she said, oh, really?
He went back until he was a leader, and she said, oh, really.
But when I said, well, you know, tell me more, she said, oh, I'm here to support Proposition 8, and essentially started to tick off just about everything you had heard in the Yes on Proposition 8 Campaign's ads: educating school children about gay marriage and even the remarks by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, whether they like it or not.
And she grabbed my hand, she squeezed it and she said, 'Oh my God, they're booing!
"So the waitress brings our beers, and he reached around and he said, 'Oh I forgot my wallet, '" she said.
' I said: 'Oh I think you do, ' to which she said: 'We're not telling.
"I don't want people to look at this as, oh, a huge mistake or whatever, " she said.
So I think one of the things is that - and I think Gayle Smith, as she said very clearly, we can analyze the Super Tuesday and say, oh the Asian-American tribe voted in a certain manor, or the black African-American tribe - although that's got its own connotations - did its own thing.
"I couldn't stand thinking about people saying, 'Oh, my, what happened to you, '" she said.