Three days later she was found in an empty lot wrapped in plastic sheeting.
Crews in East Sussex went to Hove railway station after roof sheeting became detached.
The tents they live in are small, covered by tarps and plastic sheeting to keep water out.
The farm workers toil under vast seas of plastic sheeting that swamps the landscape in every direction.
Makeshift straw thatch and wood huts roofed by blue plastic sheeting sprawl in all directions, covering endless miles.
Now 72-years-old and retired, he worked with asbestos sheeting in his work across south Wales and in Europe.
With the touch of a button, water cascades down the foyer's 24-foot oceanfront windows, creating sheeting water walls.
This company is owned by a group called Birla, which produces about a third of India's asbestos sheeting.
Mr Marston said there were plans to have a temporary surface "using a form of plastic sheeting to help".
The United States has sent 71 satellite phones, plastic sheeting and two mobile water treatment units, the State Department said.
But 2.1m were on the streets, or living in flimsy shacks, with improvised walls made of cardboard or plastic sheeting.
His orgone-energy accumulator, or orgone box, as it became known, resembled a wooden telephone booth lined with metal sheeting and steel wool.
They are covered normally with plastic sheeting given by the humanitarian organizations.
An enterprising vendor covered a street drain with plastic sheeting and charged one real (50 cents) for the privilege of the privacy.
Large scale building integrated structural sheeting, massively networked for smoothing variability in renewable energy will allow for much greater integration of renewables sources.
Using wires, pieces of metal sheeting and circuit boards, artist Peter McFarlane transforms old circuit boards into amazing computer-age fossils that somehow look prehistoric.
But try picking up some plywood sheeting in that Porsche 911.
That's how it developed the first wet sandpaper for the car industry, hook-and-loop closures for diapers, reflective sheeting for road signs and brightness-enhancement films for laptops.
They overcome their pre-midlife crises by doing the middle-class equivalent of going wild and roughing it sleeping in bunkhouses and pulling off pranks like short-sheeting a bed.
"It's essentially 40 tonnes of winterised tents - about 1, 300 tents in total, rolls of plastic sheeting, canvas tarpaulin, " a spokesman for Prime Minister Tony Blair said.
"What we need most is a warm place, " a woman crouching underneath plastic sheeting with about 10 others on the open back of a truck told Reuters.
Yankees clubhouse manager Lou Cucuzza makes sure to have enough champagne and plastic sheeting (to protect lockers and equipment) on hand for the days of possible clinching games.
In Port-au-Prince, a chaotic scene erupted as people clamored to reach the trucks of a World Food Programme convoy carrying water purification tablets, plastic sheeting, collapsible jugs and nutritional biscuits.
This figure may now be lower: torrential rain in late September drove many refugees down from the mountains, where they were sheltering under plastic sheeting and tarpaulins, into nearby towns.
And in February 2003, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security advised Americans to stock up on duct tape and plastic sheeting so that they could seal their homes in the event of a chemical or biological attack.
If the Iranian government changes its decision, we are ready to provide: emergency health care kits, plastic sheeting, blankets, hygiene kits, kitchen sets, plastic water containers and water treatment units, as well as other support through partner NGOs.
Enter through a concrete lobby in an anonymous building fronted by corrugated sheeting a few blocks from the Pacific Ocean in West L.A. and suddenly you're in a hangar-esque space where some 200 acolytes toil at desks and tables constructed from the same cheap red plywood used for packing cases.