San Francisco, California (CNN) -- Web sites come and go, but the short bursts of text you publish on one Web site in particular -- --may end up having a longer shelf life than the company itself.
So, for example, he says, the company has an off-the-shelf data warehouse tool.
Does the company purchase an off-the-shelf solution, utilize a SaaS, ASP or cloud-based solution, or embark upon developing a custom application?
"Off the shelf" has lowered the price of the Guildford company's products, and it's constantly on the look-out for that next clever cross-over.
For example the woman, Becca Ordonez, had created a digital processing device using off-the-shelf parts, something that might cost a large company many hundreds of thousands of dollars to develop.
In part driven by the new world of technology where social media in all its guises enables the consumer to delve deeper in to the heart of any corporation, the stress on the fifth P can enable any company to differentiate themselves on a crowded shelf of brands and appeal to the heart.
If your earnings are more modest, you may be able to use an off-the-shelf "defined contribution" plan from a mutual fund company, broker, bank or insurance company.
It was hard to believe boasts from Oakley management, especially when the smaller company would have to take on Nike and Adidas for shelf space.
Now a phone company has about 12 months to develop a phone and 12 months shelf life.
Given Sony's heritage, it's no surprise that the company loves its audio -- but we can imagine that some might be overwhelmed when the company has priced and dated the cores of its 2013 home and shelf audio lineups in one sitting.
For years the company liked having control and access to the maze of pipelines that crisscross the continental shelf because it made it cheaper to bring oil and gas to market from the deepwater fields.