Mr Angeli's lawyer, Nicholas Clough, said his client is 71, lives alone in sheltered accommodation.
In his eyes, I was a sheltered bourgeois adolescent who went horseback riding in the country.
He said Lenten Pool was a residential area which included sheltered housing for the elderly.
Here's something else Tina perhaps didn't think about: the possibility of tax-sheltered investing with the windfall.
For the moment, they have been quite sheltered because they are not financially sophisticated.
WSJ: Our Chat With Christine Lagarde | WSJ.Money Summer 2013
It includes the theatre, Victoria Court sheltered accommodation, some community buildings and an industrial unit.
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Sheltered domestic markets, steeled by high regulatory walls, once led to world-beating spreads and profits.
Consoles will be sheltered in the cushioned main compartment, while pockets organize other gear.
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Olivetti's real achievement may be to open up a sheltered part of the European telecoms business.
And true entrepreneurs will continue creating businesses with or without the help of tax-sheltered financiers.
FORBES: Apple, Intel Investor Says Carried Interest Tax O.K.
As long as he was paid as a consultant, Kumar felt sufficiently sheltered from the truth.
The road, which has a 60mph speed limit, runs past a housing estate and sheltered housing.
MLPs, especially those with pipelines, are also attractive because of their high tax-sheltered yields.
Immigration has three aspects - desired economic migrants, sheltered asylum seekers and illegal immigrants.
They have no permit so even in the sheltered alley they have to be careful.
Developers, Dandara, have permission to build 196 flats, 16 sheltered apartments, a nursing home and nursery.
Still, to avoid capital gain distributions you would do best to hold Constellation in a tax-sheltered account.
Companies have unwound most of the cross-shareholdings that sheltered them from the discipline of the capital markets.
Sheltered by a Catholic Pole who later married his mother, the renamed Bronislaw Geremek survived the war.
Key questions: How much of your net worth is in tax-sheltered accounts (where capital losses are irrelevant)?
Inside a tax-sheltered IRA or 401(k) there is nothing to be gained with this kind of trading.
Water restrictions at a Lincoln sheltered housing block where Legionella bacteria was found have begun to be lifted.
Depending on your state, exempt assets can include a home, life insurance, an annuity and tax-sheltered retirement accounts.
That would hit not only Cypriot citizens, but many Russian investors and oligarchs who have sheltered fund there.
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For high executives, often sheltered from unpleasantness by solicitous subordinates, this can be a useful dash of reality.
Francis presided over the Mass at an altar sheltered by a white canopy on the steps of St.
She has been pro-active in encouraging people living in sheltered accommodation to get involved in the wider community.
The two-level terrace below the house is lined with long tables, and sheltered by walnut trees and trellises hung with grapevines.
Remploy was originally set up in the 1940s to offer sheltered and safe work for people with disabilities.
It had sheltered Igor Giorgadze, supposed mastermind of the 1995 attack, which was a crude exercise in destabilisation.