But he has noticed a big shift in investment focus in the last few years.
This has resulted in part from a shift in investment strategy.
One explanation may be that China's rise has resulted in a bigger shift in investment demand in the rest of Asia than elsewhere in the world.
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Particularly in 2012, we have witnessed a shift in Chinese investment that is much more consumer-facing.
In 2005, Fannie and Freddie saw a sudden shift in their investment strategies.
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As seen through the eyes of these two women, it is evident that there will be a shift in the investment landscape in the next few years.
The second shift in the investment-banking landscape is a hollowing-out of the midsized banks as the very biggest in the industry grab a greater share of trading revenues.
Rather, economic growth is the result of hundreds of millions of individual decision-makers, each acting in their best interests to shift their consumption plans, saving, and investment in response to desirable opportunities that they face.
He is quick to say that most anti-Temasek rhetoric was really a tool to attack Thaksin, not necessarily a major shift in Thailand's generally open investment policies.
Florida is not alone in having to shift away from consumption and towards investment and exports, but its lack of a big manufacturing base makes the task more difficult.
The shift in SRI from a purely religious or faith-based focused investment approach to one with a broader perspective got a jump-start with the South Africa divestiture movement in the 1970s and '80s.
It signals a shift in the wealth we are able to create for given types of investment.
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Besides stocks, a number of independent investment advisers are recommending that investors shift their assets overseas in 2006.
Morgan Stanley is undergoing a significant strategic shift in its business, with the stated goal of reducing volatility from traditional investment banking activity and generating more stable fee income streams from Global Wealth Management.
Power may shift in two other directions: abroad and, to a lesser extent, to boutique investment banks.
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With Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) pilots consistently showing positive return on investment, the PCMH pilots coming out of the federal reform set up a major shift in reimbursement as outlined in the video segment.
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