Click here for Shilling's investment ideas to profit from the real estate collapse in Insight.
Click here for Shilling's tips on how to profit in a real estate and commodity crash.
Click here to see Shilling's advice on how to profit from the market meltdown.
Financial Advisors: Join Steve Forbes, Bill Gross, Gary Shilling and others in an interactive online conference.
If Shilling is right, half of mortgage payers will be underwater in two years.
Click here for Shilling's tips on how to profit from the real estate meltdown.
Gary Shilling called the housing and stock market crashes, now he's bullish on the U.S. dollar.
Before you invest, click here for advice to keep your wealth with Gary Shilling's Insight.
Click here for advice to keep your wealth and subscribe to Gary Shilling's Insight.
Special Offer: Larry Kudlow may tease Gary Shilling about being bearish, but Gary was right!
If you want more from Gary Shilling and his monthly Insight Newsletter, Click here.
A. Gary Shilling makes money for his subscribers by going against the grain--and he's usually right.
Click here for instant access to Shilling's current investment strategy in his Insight newsletter.
Forbes columnist Gary Shilling has been bearish on the stock market for the last few years.
FORBES: Buffett Next Door Advice: UUP And Away With The Dollar in 2011
Special Offer: Stocks are a gamble, and Forbes economist Gary Shilling says get out now.
Special Offer: Forbes economist Gary Shilling advises to SELL stocks now while you still can.
So he and his supporters are out there shilling that worrying about deficits is dumb.
FORBES: The Arrogance Of The Obama Administration Will Bankrupt Us
Special Offer: Profit from the continued plunge in the housing market with A. Gary Shilling.
The shilling serves as well as shells or beads would as a medium of exchange.
Click here for Gary Shilling's toolkit for navigating through the financial crisis, yours when you try Insight.
Certainly there were economists like Shilling, Roubini and Baker warning of dire consequences to the ongoing bubble.
"Every pound and every shilling is required at the moment to push into frontline services, " he said.
BBC: Freedom of Information requests 'puts strain on councils'
Click here for Shilling's latest advice to make money on the real estate collapse ... in Insight.
A. Gary Shilling was out of tech stocks in 1999, and he shorted the home builders in 2005.
For the past year, Shilling has followed his own advice and made a 600% return on BBB-rated CDOs.
Gary Shilling, who in 2006 predicted the housing bubble would pop and carry the entire economy into recession.
Then strode to the stage the perma-bear investment adviser and Forbes columnist Gary Shilling, who dashed our hopes.
Shilling saw the commodity crash coming because too many had embraced the idea that commodities were an asset class.
Of note, Shilling sees a small positive in his confused understanding of deflation.
FORBES: Gary Shilling Is Confused: There's No Global 'Deflation' To Speak Of
Special Offer: Forbes Gary Shilling has been warning that the PIIGS could cause a stock market collapse for months.