He has also set up the Shoah Foundation to record the testimonies of Holocaust survivors.
And those images just hint at the stories that survivors of the Shoah carried with them.
In addition, an exhibition of the Shoah Memorial entitled "The Righteous of France" will be presented on this occasion.
Centenary houses the first Shoah Foundation Visual History Collection in the state.
Another exhibition, especially prepared for this occasion by the University of Southern California Shoah Foundation, presents video testimonies of survivors who were rescued during the Holocaust.
UNESCO: ��The Courage to Care: Rescue during the Holocaust��
They had a "cordial and constructive" conversation marked by a "common deep concern about the perpetual warning of the Shoah (Holocaust) for humanity", a joint statement said.
The exhibit was created by the Memorial de la Shoah in Paris and curated by Christian Delage, a documentary filmmaker and history professor at the University of Paris.
The evidence corroborating Mr Avey's story appeared in a video interview that Mr Lobethall had given to the Shoah Foundation, which gathers the testimonies of the camp survivors.
Is this the lesson Europe has drawn from the Shoah?
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The participants will include the Director General of UNESCO Irina Bokova, President of the Shoah Memorial Eric de Rothschild, an Israeli historian Yehuda Bauer and a Holocaust survivor Henri Borlant.
Two speakers advocated for a strong focus on historical facts in education: Georges Bensoussan of the Shoah Memorial in Paris and Professor Dina Porat, Chief-Historian of Yad Vashem and professor at Tel Aviv University.
Two exhibitions are also presented on this occasion: "Resistance and Rescue in Denmark", by the Shoah Memorial and "Rescue: protecting Humanity during the Holocaust", based on Holocaust survivors testimonies, by the University of Southern California Shoah Foundation Institute.
Three exhibitions are also presented on this occasion: "Resistance and Rescue in Denmark", by the Shoah Memorial, "Rescue 1943", by the National Archives of Bulgaria and Yad Vashem, and "Rescue: protecting Humanity during the Holocaust", based on Holocaust survivors testimonies, by the University of Southern California Shoah Foundation Institute.
UNESCO: Public Events | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
So we welcome Annette today not only as a survivor who overcame the evil of the Shoah, but as someone who met that evil with good, who tried always to remember how fortunate she was to have survived, and felt called to continue the work that so many had done to make her survival possible.