The government seized Superior in 2000 after it collapsed because of poor lending practices and shoddy bookkeeping.
And besides, who wants to be known for shoddy build quality and ho-hum designs?
But Gates didn't get to be the world's richest man by overpaying for shoddy technology.
But the heart of the matter was much smaller: a shoddy way of dealing with expenses.
One of these apologies was for intemperance (Nocera) and one for shoddy blogging standards (me).
Mrs Saidi says the country's shoddy telephone system makes logging on to the internet a headache.
However shoddy the deal that has been done, Mr Tsvangirai can make a difference.
Putting wigs and dresses on chimps is no longer acceptable, nor are shoddy exhibits.
Sceptics say Ethiopia's shoddy infrastructure may make it hard to produce the volumes of shoes required.
Also, the first weeks of operations have been marred by complaints of shoddy products and late deliveries.
The anger of villagers like Wang Ming starts to boil over as they talk about shoddy construction.
They exploited cultural trends and fads, and buried cultural trends and fads with the shoddy facts of themselves.
Ironic though it may seem, we might just owe Newsweek a debt of gratitude for its shoddy reportage.
Schering's manufacturing was so shoddy that it couldn't be sure it hadn't shipped asthma inhalers that were empty.
No less than Pollan, he is a connoisseur, exercised more by shoddy workmanship than by shoddy working conditions.
Some of the teams' hotels, particularly in a northern city, Tamale, were shoddy, and all were absurdly expensive.
Customers bluntly told the chains their service was shoddy, their food subpar and their restaurants, in some cases, shabby.
Speaking on BBC Radio Ulster, Mr Trimble said the campaign against what he called Patten's "shoddy" report would continue.
Leong's attorney, Erlinda Ocampo Johnson, described the investigation as "shoddy, " ''poor" and "inadequate.
But it was only after prolonged political and media clamour that Mr Brown accepted responsibility for the shoddy episode.
The workmanship of the construction was often shoddy, and costs always exceeded estimates.
For sure, Towa is a little shoddy looking and in many ways is far from being paradise on earth.
Bad judgment and shoddy data-processing and programming led more money to go astray.
The new products were low-end, dumb, shoddy, and in almost every way inferior.
Both Uganda and Rwanda have attacked the report as malicious, shoddy and unfair.
Both reports were attacked by the media and by the professoriate as cheap, academically shoddy attempts to harm academic freedom.
Pyott frets that shoddy practitioners could hurt Botox, which can temporarily cause droopy brows and swallowing difficulties when improperly injected.
Chinese authorities have stepped up food inspections in recent years after a series of scandals over fake or shoddy goods.
Still, a mistake by a spotter or shoddy pit work can always play a role in a race this big.
In other words, says Anholt, all the nation branding in the world won't help a country that's selling a shoddy product.