American officials say they will soon authorise the resumption of the shoot-down programme.
An FBI source told CNN that the agency is investigating Cuban defector Juan Pablo Roque as a possible conspirator in the shoot-down, which killed two men on each plane.
That raises the heightened concern that, despite public U.S. proclamations that they would be hesitant to shoot down a North Korean missile launched over the ocean unless it appeared to be heading toward a known land-based target, such a shoot-down is still possible.
In the late 1970s and early 1980s the idea was revived when American strategists began thinking in earnest about the technologies they would need to shoot down nuclear-armed ballistic missiles.
But it would be shortsighted to shoot down the F-22 because of governmental operational deficiencies.
No less noteworthy is the fact that the SM-3 utilized to shoot down the target was one of the first of the production rounds to come off the manufacturing line.
One Pentagon official said that since early January, a team including 200 industry experts and scientists had worked furiously to modify the Aegis air-defense missile system so it could shoot down the satellite.
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin called for leading world powers to create an early-warning system, and consider technology to shoot down meteors.
Just as the Brazilian-born striker shaped to shoot, he was brought down by Distin, leaving the referee no option but to give a penalty and show the Frenchman a red card.
Guppies can splash in the Little Kahunas play area, while bigger kids can slip down the high-speed tube slides or shoot hoops in the pool.
He was on one of the ships, was shot by -- was strafed by the fire from the planes coming in, and yet still had the presence of mind to shoot down a plane, and won the Medal of Honor -- or was awarded the Medal of Honor for that.
If interest rates shoot up, the value of your 30-year Treasury will go straight down.
Motherwell took the lead on the stroke of half-time when Hateley delivered a searching free-kick that was nodded down by Loovens for Reynolds to shoot past Boruc from six yards.
His cold spell from Nov. 28 to Dec. 28 saw him shoot 29% overall and 19% from three-point range down from the 46% overall and 41% from distance he was shooting before that.
It was the presence of a large quantity of toxic propellants on the returning spy satellite USA-193 that the American government used to justify its decision to shoot down the spacecraft with a missile in 2008.
Walters was ultimately able to shoot himself down, but he landed on a power line, causing a 20-minute blackout in a Long Beach neighborhood.
Prosecutors in New Jersey recently used the Patriot Act to convict Yehuda Abraham, whose services were used in a plot to sell shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles to terrorists with the understanding that they were going to be used to shoot down U.S. commercial aircraft.
The US Navy's free-electron laser has broken a few records already, but it's just plowed through another fairly big one -- one that its creators say could put it on the fast track to actually being used to shoot down missiles.
ENGADGET: US Navy's free-electron laser breaks another record, takes aim at missiles next