They didn't shoot at him, Yettaw said, but they threw rocks.
Police Chief Steve Rathman didn't want to shoot at the cow because somebody might get hurt.
You surely don't need to shoot at ISO 320, ever, though that's exactly what we did here.
"They didn't shoot him right away at the beginning, " said Thomas.
CNN: Officers in homeless Michigan man's shooting get punished
But in the end, Ohanian (who, at 29, couldn't shoot for the U.S. Senate for another year at any rate) said he thinks he can do more for the cause from where he sits now.
"We didn't shoot the ball well today at all and we still put ourselves in a position to win, " said Carmelo Anthony, who led all scorers with 36 points but missed 25 of his 35 shots.
"You don't have to do anything else but look at a sign you don't understand and shoot a picture of it, a very natural thing to do, " said Dr Taub.
The two young women hopped on a train and headed over there, and set to work creating what Saniewska says became Lady Gaga's first photo shoot, although Saniewska didn't know that at the time.
"We didn't shoot the ball very well but we made shots at the crucial time, " Anthony said.
True, they don't shoot enemies out of the sky, but that, at long last, is coming--along with dozens of new applications for lasers as researchers develop new materials and techniques to generate different types of beams that can be more powerful and precise.
So, even on a pixel-packed Galaxy Nexus, you still can't get a "better look" at what's downrange until you shoot the image and then review the full-resolution result.
Though Toledo didn't see the helicopter at first, he took out his camera in time to shoot exclusive aftermath video for CNN.
CNN: 2 killed as helicopter crashes into crane in central London
"It wasn't our intention to fight them or to harm them, to hurt them or to shoot at them, " he said.
The official word from the Federal Reserve, delivered to Congress in February, is that "inflation pressures are anticipated to remain well contained, " and a look at the March Consumer Price Index numbers wouldn't give you much ammunition to shoot holes in the Fed's assertion.
Tablets, laptops and smartphones will also get updated sensors and optics, though we don't anticipate capabilities that'll force your point-and-shoot into early retirement -- not yet, at least.