Quirkiest: Shop Class As Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value Of Work by Matthew Crawford, discussed here.
Finland is one country that places heavy emphasis on vocational training, going well beyond a shop class or two.
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The only course I was excelling in was the machine shop class.
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When she was in junior high, she lobbied the principal to take shop class with the boys rather than bake muffins with the girls.
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British funiculars were installed in the 1880s to navigate the winding mounds, and a community of students, artists and middle-class sailors soon set up shop.
They fought off an attempt to open a betting shop at South Horizons, for fear that working-class gamblers would invade.
Brian Vincent, a former schoolteacher who owns a gun shop in the centre of Gretna and teaches a gun-safety class, says the argument that guns are patently unsafe will not stand up in court.
Along the walls, like dioramas, are the rooms in which Ivy males lived their cosseted lives: dorm, class, locker room, common room, the local university shop.
WSJ: Ivy Style | Museum at FIT | Dress Codes | By Laura Jacobs
The government here is very smart, and if they see that you are the best in class, they will be delighted to see you set up shop in China because they know that it will help the diffusion of knowledge into the country.
That's exactly how a death tax that was originally sold in 1916 as hitting only billionaires like the Rockefellers gradually began to apply to middle-class families who own, say, a successful auto-repair shop or invested wisely during the stock market booms of the 1980s and 1990s.
Barings' top management could have won prizes as upper-class twits but should not have been allowed to run a corner-shop, let alone a bank.
They settled in a working-class part of Cambridge, where the father, Anzor Tsarnaev, opened an auto shop.
Middle-class shoppers split the difference, discreetly downloading entire catalogs of Bollywood hits to their phones from local shop owners.