Weamer was a guide and fly shop owner in the area for 12 years.
The gun was bought at High Plains Arms in Englewood, Colorado, the shop owner told CNN.
He becomes embroiled in a mystery when he meets a toy shop owner and his goddaughter.
The local mood was best summed up by Pacifica surf shop owner Sean Rhoads.
None for the mob, but a citation for the shop owner for not removing the graffiti.
FORBES: Crime and Non-Punishment: When Cops And DA's Are The Problem Rather Than The Solution
James Valentine, an antiques shop owner in Toledo, wasn't too concerned about the news.
Like, I would interview an exterminator, a garage door company, an ice cream shop owner.
Clothes shop owner Terry Ward said visitor numbers had been falling for several years.
BBC: Isles of Scilly helicopter axing provokes economic fears
"Please send me the bill, " he says charmingly to the shop owner, who simply can't believe his eyes.
The problems and issues a 425-employee business faces and an independent coffee shop owner has are likely much different.
The body shop owner wondered if he was under the influence of drugs.
CNN: From backpacks to 'flash-bangs': Boston's week of terror
Nicholas Tyers, a 43 year old fish and chip shop owner in Bridlington.
But the Tobacco Shop owner has come to the door and stands there.
According to footage captured on a local shop owner's phone, two men in suits chased after them with lassoes.
His colleague, bait-shop owner Josh Smith, proposed modifying the current dam to aid the rapids project but keep the lamprey barrier.
Shop owner Kathy Pinn is among those who came back yesterday as her daughter Betsy Balder(PH) was combing through the ruins.
"When the explosion happened, it was chaos, " said shop owner Hussein Mahdi.
"The situation is unpredictable and dangerous, " said Sein Shwe, a shop owner.
One small shop owner struck back with an online petition that has received more than 11, 000 signatures and a lot of publicity.
Bike shop owner Dave Ortiz remembers when the city's Meatpacking District, now home to trendy restaurants, nightclubs and pricey boutiques, was the wild, wild West.
Whether an artist, a new shop owner, or a burgeoning filmmaker, I have a profound appreciation for people who share their handiwork with the world.
Timothy Dziekonski, 31, an auto shop owner in Unionville, N.
The gold shop owner and two employees, all Muslims, were sentenced in April to 14 years in prison each on charges of theft and causing grievous bodily harm.
"We were in fear for our lives, " says Deuce owner Richard Hennig, a 6-foot-6 machine-shop owner who doesn't look as if he needs to be afraid of anything.
The baby's father, the shop owner, had apparently left the car door open and ignition on so he could light a fire indoors before bringing in the baby.
Their occupations today include teacher, nurse, welding-shop owner and plumber.
Alain Fracheboud, a gun shop owner in Geneva, told me that if it is proved to be the weapon used it is "a bizarre choice for a professional killer".
The Arabic letters in the phrase have numeric values that add up to 786, explains Maung Maung, a Muslim tea shop owner in Mandalay, Myanmar's spiritual capital and Wirathu's base.
If you are a responsible gun shop owner and you abide by the system that ensures that background checks are conducted, you want everyone else to have to abide by the same rules.
When a pet-shop owner picked out an African Grey for her in 1977, she says she already expected that it would come to change the way people thought about the minds of animals.