The Satori performed perfectly whether I was walking along the shore or climbing onto a glacier.
That being said, it is one of the more dependable, consistent breaks on the North Shore.
From here take in another breathtaking view of Seattle's skyline as you walk along the shore.
Returning to shore, I saw a pod of beluga whales travelling across the fjord.
The North Shore on the Pacific Ocean is surrounded by parks and is popular with families.
On the river's north shore is the city of Cambridge, where this bike tour begins.
The federal government has taken several steps since last night to shore up the economy.
Around the sandy edge of the shore, the placid faces of moose peer out of the trees.
The shore is really only the icing on the seductive, if eccentric, home-baked cake that is Mendocino.
The last time I was in Miami, I did not have time to dine or dance on shore.
The main activity for most Antarctic tourists is shore landings using rigid inflatable craft powered by outboard engines.
Boston lies on the south shore of the Charles River, which wends its way out to Boston Harbour.
Those involved are generally punished by a mixture of fines, restriction of privileges and stopping of shore leave.
A.M. and browsed for Christmas presents at the South Shore Plaza, a nearby mall.
It forms part of the national mythology that has helped to shore up French pride.
The administration and the federal reserve had better act soon to shore up the U.S. dollar.
Video from CNN affiliate WTOM showed the boat perched on the waterway's rocky shore.
Beyond its audit franchise, Andersen must shore up its consulting business, which has also become controversial.
But few places were hit as badly as the Jersey Shore, where the storm made landfall.
On the opposite shore, glass-and-steel structures of breathtaking design were cantilevered over the water, all aglow.
Pipe the ammonia to shore and use it to power a new generation of cars.
The town said it doesn't trust his protections for the shore would be adequate.
It sounds like a strategy to shore up the mortgage business for a sale.
Our shore-side customer care team and ship's medical team are providing support as necessary.
BBC: Two arrested over shooting of cruise couple in Barbados
Longshore transport: movement of material parallel to the shore, also referred to as longshore drift.
Longshore current: a movement of water parallel to the shore, caused by waves.
Seawall: massive structure built along the shore to prevent erosion and damage by wave action.
Mr. Simpson and the unidentified injured sailor were brought to shore as the St.
And then there's the world's largest insurance company, AIG, still scrambling to shore up shaky finances.
An 1893 hurricane submerged a populated island, Atlantis-style, that lay south of the present Rockaway shore.