The federal government has taken several steps since last night to shore up the economy.
It forms part of the national mythology that has helped to shore up French pride.
The administration and the federal reserve had better act soon to shore up the U.S. dollar.
Beyond its audit franchise, Andersen must shore up its consulting business, which has also become controversial.
It sounds like a strategy to shore up the mortgage business for a sale.
And then there's the world's largest insurance company, AIG, still scrambling to shore up shaky finances.
Niphon is a rare Democrat MP from the northeast, an area the party must shore up.
Cyprus first asked the EU for a bailout last July to shore up its banks.
That breach boom is likely convincing companies to shore up software vulnerabilities in their inhouse-coded applications.
Today Japanese banks are trying to shore up crumbling balance sheets instead of providing new capital.
Both creators and distributors will continue to shore up their content because they can.
This would shore up the dollar, leaving the Fed more room to boost the economy.
Shore up your work habits and get your work done earlier rather than later .
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The order also seeks to shore up defenses of the critical infrastructure vulnerable to cyberattacks.
As we encourage individuals to save on their own, we will shore up existing employer-sponsored pensions.
CNN: Clinton's October 9, 2007 speech on retirement security
The Marlins had argued that the team needed public help to shore up its finances.
And tight money has proved unable to shore up the peso when the world turned nasty.
"Business needs decisive and meaningful action to shore up confidence, " CBI director general Digby Jones said.
The company could be attempting to shore up its absolute profit numbers with higher sales.
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On Wednesday, Chesapeake management attempted to shore up confidence in the company's finances, with little success.
This urge to shore up wealth is self-defeating in aggregate, as it curbs spending and incomes.
Japan would provide public funds to shore up the financial system, while weeding out non-performing institutions.
Analysts say Chesapeake now must consider even more aggressive divestitures to shore up its business.
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These made it easier for economies to rebound and helped shore up governments' electoral support.
His denial rings true, for currency intervention would be unlikely to shore up the overall market.
Government interventions to shore up the housing market add an extra element of unpredictability.
That seemed to be an effort to shore up relations with the new civilian leadership in Pakistan.
What once looked like a long shot bid to shore up Qwest's faltering financials looks momentarily plausible.
Motherwell manager Stuart McCall sent on centre-half Stephen Craigan for striker Murphy to shore up the defence.
My job is to shore up those gaps between what executives want and what is being delivered.
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