"Business needs decisive and meaningful action to shore up confidence, " CBI director general Digby Jones said.
On Wednesday, Chesapeake management attempted to shore up confidence in the company's finances, with little success.
The EU ministers were meeting to debate new emergency public protection measures designed to shore up confidence in the beef market.
Fuld again attempted to shore up confidence in the firm Thursday, ousting its chief financial officer and president and chief operating officer.
In September the government announced a batch of reforms designed to shore up confidence, for example by relaxing rules for foreign supermarkets.
The first step is to shore up confidence in the region's banks by making sure they have enough capital to withstand a crisis.
Once again the Fed and global central banks have come to the rescue in a coordinated act to shore up confidence in the global banking system.
Beginning in September 2007, the Fed cut interest rates and took extraordinary steps to try to ease credit and shore up confidence in the banking system.
Looking to shore up confidence, the pool's directors hired fixed-income giant BlackRock (nyse: BLK - news - people ) to analyze the troubled fund and take over management for a 90-day period.
Brazil provides yet another example of the limited extent to which outside credit can shore up investor confidence.
Shares of both companies have plummeted, and Merck will try to shore up investor confidence at a meeting with analysts tomorrow.
He said such moves would not only help increase revenue and reduce the deficit but also help shore up investor confidence, which he said had been dented recently.
By saying nothing on CISPA, Google is undermining exactly the confidence it implored Congress to help shore up with ECPA reform.
The gap between what the markets believe should be done to shore up the eurozone and what policymakers are actually doing to restore confidence has narrowed over the past several months.