It was shorn of its top talent while the Scots were close to full-strength.
It was as if he imagined that the limner, being shorn of words, thereby lacked amusement.
The company's managers worry that shorn of its network, the firm would lose its competitive edge.
ECONOMIST: Italy��s biggest telecoms firm faces an uncertain future
In the short run, Turkey's generals are hoping for a new coalition, shorn of Welfare.
It would, though, be a mistake to imagine that this was a day shorn of political significance.
Such descriptions as they left of their work are as shorn of embellishment as the granite stonework.
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Ratmansky has kept the old plot but shorn it of its old-time glamour.
In its bankruptcy Chrysler was shorn of much of its excess capacity in North America and various other liabilities.
ECONOMIST: Luxury cars are speeding ahead; lesser brands are stalled
Wool for the carpets is shorn by local men in spring or autumn.
We know that there are many different ways for people to die, most of which have shorn away all dignity.
Shorn of context and often cryptically cut down, written citations like this risk giving both too much information and too little.
This ability to make tough decisions shorn of sentimentality is a far cry from how the older generation ran the group.
Theoretically, a House of Lords shorn of hereditary peers could have more scope for embarrassing the government than the present one.
Shorn of such spicy intrigues, in fact, there would be little new in Pakistan's latest contribution to the war on terror.
Exposed as an un-Christian flip-flopper and shorn of the momentum that came from seeming inevitability, she will see her voters melt away.
It became highly profitable to sell programs shorn of their source code.
England, shorn of Morgan - arguably their only true finisher since Neil Fairbrother - are seemingly unsure of just how aggressive to be.
Injuries mean Jones will lead a squad shorn of fellow Grand Slam heroes Gavin Henson, Martyn Williams, Mike Phillips, Lee Byrne, Dwayne Peel and Huw Bennett.
It was this antediluvian gesture, shorn of all accoutrements of modernity that arguably serves as a crude model for the giant carefully choreographed music festivals of today.
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Now that Lady Thatcher is dead, we must not turn her into a mere cozy historical figure, shorn of the ideological convictions that are for the ages.
Missing a host of internationals, Leinster struggled to maintain their high standards and Glasgow, equally shorn of their frontline players, came more and more into the game.
Chile, shorn of suspended trio Marco Estrada, Waldo Ponce and Gary Medel, were always up against it after conceding twice in four minutes shortly after the half-hour mark.
Shorn of its own candidate, the governing coalition would split between the two, reckons Gaudencio Torquato, professor of politics at Sao Paulo University, making the final result unpredictable.
Shorn of Montenegro, the Yugoslav federation would no longer exist.
Shorn of a mobile network with limited potential, China Unicom will be able to devote its resources to developing a network based on the far more popular GSM standard.
David Cameron will back redrawing boundaries when the matter is put to the vote, probably next year, but shorn of Lib Dem support the measure is unlikely to be passed.
Shorn of meaningful possession, Charlton took their time to get into the game after Berbatov scored but towards the end of the first half the home side began to threaten.
BBC: SPORT | Football | Premiership | Charlton 0-2 Tottenham
Of course, were Italy to reform its electoral laws and its constitution, as Mr Prodi and many others would like, people like Mr Bertinotti would be shorn of most of their power.
Should the Florida court be put in its place--overridden and thus shorn of its emperor's new clothes--we will have at last begun to rectify the constitutional imbalance created by the imperial judiciary.