It has always been known that some candidates get extensive editing assistance or may have presented the work of others as their own, but this is often revealed in the interview when a candidate is asked to clarify or elaborate on a response from a short answer question or essay.
Now, the answer -- the short answer to your question is, we are very supportive of this.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Talks with Virginia Families on the Economy | The White House
In every interview you reach a point when you have to give a preliminary, short answer to a question.
The short answer to this question is that Olmert, Livni and Barak view the European leaders as stage props.
The short answer to your question on how to help your daughter is to get her under the care of a clinician who will stop prescribing her antidepressants.
The short answer is: calling into question whether the processes of random variation and natural selection are all we really need in order to understand the origin of species.
Nothing is likely to answer the question definitely short of approving the drug, letting millions use it, and waiting to see whether more people get medullary thyroid cancer.
Yet even search leaders like Google acknowledge Web search falls far short of its goal of delivering any answer to any question.
WSJ: Quora and Others Are Racing to Fill Gaps Left by Google
Another question is whether studying for short-answer tests teaches people much.
And the answer to that question is not simple or short.
FORBES: International Campaign to Eliminate Pension Consultant Abuses (November 2, 2004 )
As for the question of whether Anshan is a profit-seeking business, the short answer is, yes, except for when it is not.
To answer their question about how soon they can get a loan after a short sale, I turned to Joe Kelly at, who in turn asked one of his loan officers, Carrie Chienyuen, to review their credit reports and financial situation, and explain their options.
And so, in this short period of time we're talking about, it's just too early to answer that question of is it working or not.