Others are not so rich, they're continually in the situation of being short of cash.
Perpetually short of cash and unable to attract new investment, Think ended up in bankruptcy.
His business is thriving, though: Albanians short of cash are desperate to sell things.
ECONOMIST: A row over alleged election fraud has paralysed Albania
Her planner has calculated long-term disability payments nonetheless would leave her short of cash.
It was so short of cash that it could not pay taxes, electricity bills or workers' salaries.
Kodak decided to stop making digital cameras in February after warning that it was running short of cash.
We'd been operating for a year and were short of cash, and we were hoping Mr. Big would invest.
Although the firm is not short of cash, it wants to be able to finance acquisitions with its equity.
Egypt's budding biotechnologists are short of cash from both government and private sources.
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Illiquidity is when you have good assets but are short of cash.
Stress to most of us means being short of cash, being over-worked in brain-numbing jobs, worrying about an uncertain future.
Allegedly short of cash, the FAA would subsequently impose its version of "organizational success" on departure terminals across the country.
In July the Sheffield Conservative Party was forced to relocate to nearby Rotherham, as it is so short of cash.
That, incidentally, has some doubting whether the investments will happen, since many of the relevant departments are already short of cash.
So what normally happens is that the banks with extra cash loan it to the banks that are short of cash.
But if you need a family car and run short of cash, the trustee could let your spouse buy a Mercedes.
In addition, firms that are short of cash have an incentive, when negotiating pay, to promise improved pensions instead of higher wages.
In Albania, Ray Wilkinson, the UNHCR spokesman at Kukes, said the relief agency was running short of cash for its Kosovo- related operations.
CNN: Annan defends U.N. refugee aid, says agency 'overwhelmed'
Joe paid for his pleasures with his financial trades, but in 1963 his bets turned south and he found himself short of cash.
With most of the funds tied up in long-term assets, that could leave the banks short of cash if investors stop buying new products.
Local governments, which must pay for a proportion of the extra projects that the central government announces, are short of cash and heavily in debt.
Even before the UN bid, the PA was short of cash.
ECONOMIST: Palestinian unity: Rivals who may need each other | The
The European plan zeroes in on one aspect of the financial crisis: Banks with extra cash are unwilling to loan it to banks that are short of cash.
When their funding dried up after the Lehman Brothers collapse, the banks found themselves short of cash, and the Icelandic central bank had little foreign currency to offer them.
And yet there are some banks out there which are still short of cash - and are unable to borrow it from other banks, financial institutions or commercial customers.
Yet many of the partners, often government-owned enterprises, are so short of cash that they take money out of the joint venture, even if this means cutting back on investment.
It reduced the discount rate, at which banks finding themselves short of cash can, in the spirit of Bagehot, borrow from the central bank, and lengthened the term for which it would lend.