Swap dealers increased their net short position, having cut gross longs and bumped up gross shorts.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Mixed On Gold, But Buy Up Silver -- CFTC
Commercials increased their net-short position by adding more gross shorts than gross long positions.
FORBES: FOCUS: Mixed Speculative Activity Seen In CFTC Data Following Metals Price Break
Taking a short position in junk bonds is a challenge for the retail investor.
Futures traders now hold the largest short position they have had in a long time.
FORBES: METALS OUTLOOK: Consolidation Possible For Gold Next Week
In my analysis, short squeezes will be opportunities to slowly and cautiously build a short position.
Commercials lowered their net-short position in silver, having cut more gross shorts than gross longs.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators' Net-Long Position In Gold Rebounds Temporarily - CFTC
Commercials reduced their net-short position by adding many more gross long positions than gross shorts.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Pick Up Gold, Shed Other Precious Metals In CFTC Data
Producers added to their net-short position by adding more gross shorts than gross longs.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Pick Up Gold, Shed Other Precious Metals In CFTC Data
This is the biggest net-short position for copper since the disaggregated report started in September 2009.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Exit Bullish Precious Metals Futures, Options Positions -- CFTC
In the producer category, gross longs rose and shorts fell, slicing their net-short position.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Cut Bullish Gold, Silver Positions -- CFTC Data
Producers cut back on their net-short position by adding gross longs and cutting gross shorts.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Pick Up Gold, Shed Other Precious Metals In CFTC Data
As a full disclosure, subscribers to The Arora Report have a short position in WDC.
FORBES: Microsoft Hastens Demise Of PC Era And Drags Down Intel With Windows 8
Commercials reduced their net-short position by adding to gross longs and cutting gross shorts.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Cut Bullish Gold, Silver Positions -- CFTC
They are net-short 20, 311 contracts, the largest short position in the legacy report since July 2009.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Cut Bullish Gold, Silver Positions -- CFTC
Producers lowered their net-short position as they cut more gross shorts than gross longs.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Cut Bullish Gold, Silver Positions -- CFTC
Commercials added to their net-short position by slicing gross long positions and adding gross shorts.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Increase Appetite For Precious Metals --CFTC
Commercials lowered their net-short position by cutting gross short positions and adding gross longs.
FORBES: Speculators Shed Some Bullish Precious Metals Positions - CFTC
Producers lowered their net-short position by adding a couple of gross longs and cutting gross shorts.
FORBES: Speculators Shed Some Bullish Precious Metals Positions - CFTC
Swap dealers added to gross longs and cut gross shorts, lowering the net-short position.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Cut Positions Across The Board In Precious Metals -- CFTC
Commercials lowered their net-short position in silver, having cut gross shorts and increased gross longs.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Shift to Selling In U.S. Precious Metals -CFTC
Commercials cut from both sides, particularly from the short side, which lowered their net-short position.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Flush Out Long Metal Positions -CFTC
Swap dealers cut gross longs and added to gross shorts which pushed up their net-short position.
FORBES: CORRECTION - Speculators Continue To Build Bullish Gold Positions - CFTC
Producers added to both sides, but added more gross shorts, increasing their net-short position.
FORBES: CORRECTION - Speculators Continue To Build Bullish Gold Positions - CFTC
Commercials added to their net-short position by adding more gross shorts than gross longs.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Add To Bullish Gold Positions For Sixth Week - CFTC
Swap dealers added a handful of gross longs and sliced shorts, lowering their net-short position.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Add To Bullish Gold Positions For Sixth Week - CFTC
Producers cut from both sides, but cut more longs than shorts, raising their net-short position.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculative Buyers Mostly Return To Precious Metals -CFTC
Managed-money accounts added gross shorts and cut gross longs, raising the net-short position to 13, 175 contracts.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculative Buyers Mostly Return To Precious Metals -CFTC
Swap dealers decreased their net short position by cutting gross shorts and adding gross longs.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Return As Gold Buyers -- CFTC Data
Commercials added to both sides, particularly on the short side, which raised their net short position.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Return As Gold Buyers -- CFTC Data
Producers added to both sides, but increased their gross longs, which lowered their net-short position.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Cut Bullish Exposure To Gold Again --CFTC Data