Critics of LNG are being terribly short sighted in attempting to enact protectionist policy in regards to LNG.
These practices in my opinion are rooted in too narrow a policy framework and hence are too short sighted.
The concentration on a town centre development is short sighted, he believes, and so he is calling for a public debate.
However, it has since emerged that he is short sighted and on Thursday in court, he admitted needing glasses for reading.
President Obama must lead the nation and the world by resisting the well-meaning but short sighted calls to regulate the Internet.
FORBES: Obama Should Resist Sarkozy's Quest to Regulate the Internet
For this reason, we think that the market may be short sighted in sending Best Buy shares down this low, and it may not last very long.
We believe these concerns are short sighted and that the earning power of Western Digital ( WDC) has been greatly enhanced by its merger with Hitachi Global Storage.
Her and her palpitations are mind bogglingly short sighted here.
FORBES: How Can You Protect An Entire Economy From Competition?
Now in the last years working in public health and seeing the benefit from delivering and managing health improvement programmes, it is short sighted to cut the very services that make life changing impacts.
That could be wrong headed and short sighted.
FORBES: How to Generate New Revenues From Cars: The Car as an Apps Platform
What if our decline is due to the very impact of this kind of short term short sighted thinking on the effective management of the social and ecological resources that will increase long term prosperity?
To have the network overrule the manufacturer, to overrule the operating system owners, and to weaken the eco-system is short sighted and ultimately weakens the networks themselves over the long run, pushing customers to buying SIM-free handsets with no network interference.
FORBES: Denying Windows Phone Users WP 7.8 Is Short-Sighted And Will Weaken Relationships
This is surprisingly short sighted.
FORBES: Why Google Will Lose in Driverless Cars (and Who Will Win)
Simple exclusion of the opinion of front line people has long been proven to be short-sighted.
FORBES: Business Aviators - Is that all they are, or should be?
McKinsey is not usually short-sighted, which makes it unlikely that ignorance is the culprit.
FORBES: McKinsey Considers Next-Gen Smart Grid, Gets It Mostly Wrong
But the plan has been dismissed as "short-sighted" by an all-party group of Copeland Borough councillors.
In this particular case, I feel that Courteney Cox is being reckless and short-sighted.
FORBES: What Would Monica Geller Say About Courteney Cox's Divorce Strategy?
Big businesses, energy companies, short-sighted politicians, scurrilous scientists, laissez faire economists, indifferent individuals, callous Christians and myopic media professionals.
But some will say that only goes to show how short-sighted those markets really are.
This staggering amount is the result of decades of short-sighted policy and underfunding.
FORBES: It's Not Just The Feds, The States Face Their Own Fiscal Cliffs, Too
But India's habit of shunning meetings with Mrs Zia and her followers may come to look short-sighted.
Closing hospital wards in Guernsey is "shocking and short-sighted", according to the Royal College of Nursing (RCN).
But that can be a short-sighted tack to take (Remember: this was the philosophy of the late 1990s).
Then again, I find the use of guilt to inspire charitable donations to be really distasteful and short-sighted.
FORBES: UNICEF Santa Says 'I Don't Do Poor Countries' in New Ad Spot
Germans are understandably nervous about shouldering too much more of the burden even if their fears are short-sighted.
One man might resist his brother because the brother is attempting to impose a self-serving or short-sighted solution.
FORBES: My #OccupyWallStreet Demand: Abolish Women Good/Men Bad
While well-meaning, the idea of writing a check and calling it "philanthropy" is extremely short-sighted and unfortunately, extremely pervasive.
And it would be enormously short-sighted to take money from that type of job creation to cover this now.