Payday loans, short term loans intended to be paid off on payday, were developed in the United States.
In just a few years Wonga has a become a massive online lender in the UK by instantly underwriting and dynamically pricing short term loans.
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Instead it will probably provide Treasury bills, or very short term loans, which are a proxy for cash, because otherwise it thinks that the scheme could complicate the way it controls the amount of money in the economy (monetary policy) in some unspecified way.
"Pay day and other high interest short term loans will only give you the money until pay day but you have 28 days at extortionate interest rates and on top of that if you're actually lucky enough to be given a cheque you will be charged for cashing that cheque so you won't actually get the full amount, " she added.
According to the report, as of May 22, the four banks issued only 340 billion yuan in new loans, with short-term loans and bill financing remaining the dominate type.
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Interest rates on short-term loans do indeed tend to move in line with the federal-funds rate.
It will have to diversify its funding away from short-term loans from investment banks.
In response, customers withdrew their funds and stopped giving banks short-term loans to keep them afloat.
Nor has Thailand wholly succeeded in persuading foreign banks to keep renewing short-term loans to the country.
Its reserves depleted, Cuba has recently been forced to finance critical imports through short-term loans at double-digit interest rates.
Short-term loans to carry inventory and buy raw materials are no longer available.
An exception is made for short-term loans to other parts of the corporation.
Ritchie, which has sued Petters for fraud, says the rates are high because the short-term loans had a profit-sharing component.
It has operated as a clearing house for the foreign reserves of many countries and as a lender of short-term loans.
These hastily assembled, short-term loans are intended to help faltering dot-coms get through tough times, with the hope their cards will improve.
These hastily assembled, short-term loans are intended to help faltering dot-coms get through tough times, with the hope their cards will soon improve.
It has also defended its high interest rates, arguing that the firm merely offers short-term loans that help people and businesses with cashflow problems.
Risk aversion also adds to interest rate costs on short term bank loans, and with Russia considered a risk investment, loan costs inevitably rise.
Other special situation players would be hedge funds playing the carry trade game where they buy these Treasuries with short-term loans at 25 basis points.
Others think that it could play a useful role as a lender of last resort, providing governments with short-term loans to tide them over a temporary crisis.
The commission wants the Fund to restrict itself to short-term loans for economies in crisis at higher-than-market interest rates, rather than long-term concessional credit to cover balance-of-payments deficits.
Interest rates on short-term loans would jump like a gazelle.
The London interbank offered rate, the rate banks charge each other for short-term loans, soared in recent weeks despite central bank injections of hundreds of billions into the system.
To limit contagion, the leaders gave enlarged powers to the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) to extend short-term loans, recapitalise banks and buy bonds of troubled sovereigns in the markets.
The IMF's mission was to give countries temporary short-term loans so they could put their economic houses in order, coping with temporary balance-of-payment problems without resorting to destructive tariffs or massive devaluations.
The other three trade bodies that agreed to the new charter are the BCCA, a trade association for lenders offering short-term loans, the Consumer Credit Trade Association and the Finance and Leasing Association.
Earlier Tuesday, investors appeared encouraged after the Federal Reserve's said it would buy massive amounts of commercial paper in order to kick-start lending in the markets where many companies turn for short-term loans.
The commercial paper market represents the short-term loans that corporations issue to one another, a market which has now all but dried up as banks and firms fear lending money to a potential defaulter.
This has come as a huge relief to chief financial officers, who barely a year ago were having to make do without a fully functioning market for commercial paper (short-term loans to finance operating expenses).
Supervisors on both sides of the Atlantic concluded that the bank's heavy reliance on wholesale markets (very short-term loans from companies and other banks) left it especially vulnerable to running out of money when confidence collapsed.