The reason we should defer to experts is not that the experts know everything.
In its majority opinion, the Supreme Court said that lower court judges should defer to the FCC's expertise in telecommunications matters.
First, Boies argued that the Court should defer to the National Labor Relations Board ( NLRB ), since the NFL has an unfair labor practice claim against the NFLPA pending there.
Should they defer to their husband when he insists that she stop kissing their first-grade son at school drop-off?
The kind of humility that Roberts favors reflects a view that the Court should almost always defer to the existing power relationships in society.
When should the Court defer to the judgment of the university that a critical mass of minorities has been reached among the student population?
Business traders and investment managers should not defer charity to 2013.
Mr Abbas will not agree, nor should he, to defer negotiations while the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza takes place.
But parents should have a choice about whether a child is full-time or part-time and there should be the option to defer entry until later in the school year.
He was making the same argument that conservatives have often made against judicial activism -- that judges should, in general, defer to the wishes of the democratically elected branches of government.
We should appoint Nobel Laureates in climate, physics, biology, economics, etc and defer to their prescriptions.
With 2011 and 2012 income tax rates constant, the old-fashioned advice to accelerate deductions into the current tax year and defer income until the following year should apply this December, says Mel Schwarz, director of tax legislative affairs at Grant Thornton in Washington.
At a minimum, Commerce should defer further decontrol action pending the outcome of a report required by law last year on the foreign availability process due to be submitted to the Congress on 15 April.