Perhaps Mr Arroyo's pamphlet should be read as a satire of Spanish inferiority and small-mindedness faced by the next-door riches of France with its art, its food, its countryside and its writing.
"It's a very complicated process, and I don't think necessarily not having a trilateral meeting should be read as anything other than that it just didn't work out, " he told the TV station Monday.
CNN: Bush: Talking to 'terrorists' like talking to Nazis before WWII
If not, is this sort of a signal -- should we read it as a signal?
GM's demise should not be read as a harbinger of doom for the car industry.
"All things being equal, we should read ambiguous statutes as closing, not maintaining, tax loopholes, " he wrote in a dissent.
That, however, should not be read as a sign of extreme optimism -- rather an assessment of what's feasible if the two principals strike a deal.
Forrester's Day argues that IBM's new system announcement should be read not as anti-competitive, but instead a demonstration that x86 and Unix systems place real competitive pressure on the mainframe business.
In suggesting between the lines that Ruskin should be read not as a critic or theoretician but as a creative writer, a literary artist, Mr Hilton makes compelling sense of his idiosyncratic and eclectic oeuvre.
Your involvement should also not be read as an agreement by anyone that you will necessarily use their products or services.
If you are ever tempted to do something like this, yourself, you should read the whole case as a cautionary tale.
FORBES: Would Be Developer Tripped Up By Interest Tracing Rules
Anyone with an unfulfilled dream would do well to keep that in mind -- and should read Keegan's column, because it applies to them as well.
Anybody who cares about the integrity of our capitalist system, the need for corporate governance and executive compensation reforms, and the need to eradicate short-termism as the dominant focus of Wall Street, should read the SEC's complaint against Dell.
Mr Renshaw said everyone who referred to Mr Brunstrom as the "mad mullah from Colwyn Bay" should read documents on drugs legalisation he presented to the police authority.
The Kinect should go at or as near eye level as possible so it can read all your movements.
People aspiring to be high-powered lawyers should read some of John Grisham's books wherein the species is portrayed as selfish, soulless and overworked, with personal lives that are a mess and activities that are utterly unredeeming.
When I was told by Member Services that my lost ID should never have read "spouse, " that the government recognizes me only as a "designee, " I prepared to fight -- but then found the original card.
Is it enough that the portfolio manager read one or more Wall Street research reports when he should have known (as all Wall Street insiders have long-known) such research is riddled with conflicts of interest?
FORBES: Money Manager Use of Tainted Wall Street Research (Oct 1, 2002 )
The words and punctuation of "innocent face", he said, were merely an indication that the question should be read with a deadpan emphasis or tone, comparable with stage directions such as sotto voce or a notation on a musical score.
The crowd booed as the judges' verdict was read out and Marquez claimed he should have been declared the victor.
Either way, it is certainly sobering and should make us reconsider how we identify games to buy as well as how we read previews.
FORBES: Aliens: Colonial Marines Makes Mockery Of Review Scores
While it is worth reflecting that the vast majority of inter-actions with it would be rated as "satisfactory, " the overall end of year verdict should probably read: "Could Do Better".
The only solution, Roubini believes, is for countries like Greece to leave the Eurozone and engage in a real depreciation, ala Argentina, to restore productivity, as I reported a few months ago. (Read Greece Should Default, Leave The Eurozone, And Reinstate The Drachma).
FORBES: Roubini On Steroids: Zombie Economy In A G-Zero World
It will affect my opinion of how much I should trust (or indeed bother to read) email from that relative, but not the email system as a whole.