He was busy now recording separate fragments of her, a knee, a shin, a shoulder, her arms.
Authorities said Champion had bruises on his chest, arms, shoulder and back and died of internal bleeding.
Medical officials said Champion died of internal bleeding and had bruises on his chest, arms, shoulder and back.
An autopsy found "extensive contusions of his chest, arms, shoulder and back, " and "evidence of crushing of areas of subcutaneous fat, " the medical examiner reported, ruling the death a homicide.
The autopsy conducted after his death found "extensive contusions of his chest, arms, shoulder and back, " as well as "evidence of crushing of areas of subcutaneous fat" -- which is the fatty tissue directly under a person's skin.
In 1932, a preadolescent Ceylonese female was documented by British scholars of Tamil mysticism as being capable of inserting into her mouth and down her esophagus both arms to the shoulder, one leg to the groin, and the other leg to just above the patella, and as thereupon able to spin unaided on the orally protrusive knee at rates in excess of 300 r.p.m.
The other rewarding aspect in keeping with the promotion of these dancers as memorable personalities and performers came after the program's seven numbers ended and the beaming men stood, shoulder-to-shoulder, variously linking hands and arms during their curtain calls.
WSJ: Kings of the Dance, Opus 3 | Royalty Made Common | By Robert Greskovic
Even with her tiny arms she has incredible arm reach and rotation in her shoulder joints.
For a chest opener, stretch your arms back as if you were trying to grab a pencil between your shoulder blades.
Once I got into the groove with my physical body, breath, and mind in tune with each other and my arms warmed up, I was able to hone in on arm and shoulder technique to make sure that they were getting maximum extension and rotation so that my stroke would be strong and efficient.
The New York Times reports that Saudi and Qatari officials are sending small arms to the rebels, but are holding off sending heavier equipment, such as shoulder-fired missiles.